Monday, April 7, 2008

Volunteers Needed!

If you've been looking for ways to get involved in the are two very unique and special ways:

1) Our Special Needs class has once again grown to about 24 students! WOW! This is a GREAT problem to have! However with this many students we need additional volunteers to help! If you are an instructor, id, or a student with the time and willingness to help, please let Master Lisa know or send an email to Miss Kris. Class is on Wednesday evening from 5-6pm.

2) We have been invited to participate in the "Help Kids Get Fit" Health Fair at Fair Park on April 26th inside the Centennial Hall. This would be a 20 minute demonstration of both the physical and mental aspects of our art. I need volunteers from our kids who can be available from 1-4p on that day. I also need several adult students to help. Please let me know if you are available and want to show your stuff. This will be the biggest audience by far we have EVER given a demonstration to. It is an exciting way to show people what we do and the benefits Kung Fu San Soo can provide.

I need to have an answer by Thursday 4/10 so that I can let the Get Kids Fit folks know.

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