Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Master Robert and I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving. I received and email from Master indication his was good and mine was also. Self Defense class tonight....1 adult class on Saturday at 8:30 and the kids class is at 10:00 am!

Everyone have a great weekend!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Class Cancellation 11/26

After polling our Wednesday night students, we have decided to cancel the SNAP class and Advanced Adult classes on Wednesday night 11/26/08.

Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Updates Week Ending 11/22/08

Thanksgiving is almost upon us so I just wanted to go over the Holiday schedule one more time!

Thursday 11/27 - RKMSF will be closed. We will also be closed 11/28 (No Self Defense class)

Saturday 11/29 - ONE ADULT CLASS at 8:30a...ONE Kids class at TEN AM (10:00am)*****PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE TIME ON THE KIDS CLASS********

Registration for the Kids Movie Night (12/6) begins Thursday 11/23. You can register by email or at the school. Registration will end Thursday 12/4. We need a count so we know how much pizza and how many Volunteers we will need. Remember Cost is $5 per child (where else can you get a baby sitter for that!) The time is 5-9p. Doors will open at 4:45p.

SNAP Graduation is 12/17 and KFSS Graduation is 12/20. Make sure you have your classes in!

Everyone have a great week!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fall Attendance

Updates Week Ending 11/15/08

KFSS and SNAP attendance for 9-29 thru 11-6 will be posted on the website later today and will be posted at the school tomorrow. Please make sure you're tracking your classes as we get closer to graduation.


11/27 - Thanksgiving Day -RKMSF will be CLOSED
11/29 - ONE ADULT CLASSS at 8:30am AND ONE KIDS CLASS at 10:00am. Please note the time change on the Kids class.

12/6 - Kids Movie Night - 5p-9pm ALL current kid students and their friends ages 3 and up are welcome. Cost will be $5 per child. Snacks, Pizza and drinks will be served. We will show "Kung Fu Panda" and play games and just a have good time! Parents...this is your chance to have a date night or do some Christmas shopping! Adult and teenage volunteers are needed. Registration will be required by 12/4. You can register via email or at the school later this week. So bring your friends and show them what Kung Fu is all about!

12/17 - SNAP Graduation - We have a great big group this term so come out and support these folks!

12/20 - KFSS Graduation

As we get into the Holiday Season, please make note of your surroundings. Remember the first rule of Kung Fu...PAY ATTENTION! Parents, make a plan with your kids before you go into crowded shopping areas. Kids, stay close to your parents!

Everyone have a great week!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Updates Week Ending 11/8/08

I heard we had a great turnout in class this weekend! Sorry I missed it! But I have good news...The Summer 2008 Graduation DVDs are here and copies will be available beginning Thursday 11/6. Graduation DVD's are $15 each.

Likewise...Master Darian's Staff Class DVD will be available on the 6th. I am taking orders for this one. The DVD for those who attended the class will be $20 and for those who were unable to $30. Please send me an email or contact me at the school if you would like to purchase one.

Upcoming events:

11/8 - Black Belt Class 1-2:30, All black belts are encouraged to attend. More ground techniques and advanced lessons.

11/7 - Attendance for 9/29-11/06 will be posted on the Website and at the school. Check your class counts to be sure you have your classes in!

11/27 - Thanksgiving Day - RKMSF will be closed.

11/29 - Saturday, There will be ONE Adult class at 8:30AM and ONE Kids Class at 10:00. Please remember we will CLOSE at 11:00am.

Looking Ahead:

12/6 - Kid's Movie Night! Bring your friends and watch Kung Fu Panda, play games and have a good time and show your friends what Kung Fu is all about! Parents this is an excellent opportunity to do some Christmas Shopping or maybe have a date night. Cost will be $5 per child and pizza, drinks and snacks will be provided. Adult (Even teenage) Volunteers are needed and registration will be necessary in advance. (All children must be potty trained.) More to come!

12/17 - Fall SNAP Graduation

12/20 - Fall KFSS Graduation

Everyone have a great week!