Monday, October 26, 2009

Updates Week Ending 10/31/09

It's another wet and dreary Monday in Bedford, BUT the weekend was absolutely perfect for our demonstration at the Japanese Gardens. I want to thank EVERYONE who came out to support the school.

Special thanks to our students who came to demonstrate skills:
  • Jason Schaafsma
  • Bret Campbell
  • Jacob Favors
  • Clay Perrine
  • Eddie Goodnight
  • Janelle Carrion
  • Justin Yu
  • Mattie and Tai Nguyen
  • Maddie Morrison

Special thanks to:
  • Jason's wife Margo for taking still photos
  • Clay's wife Betty for being our videographer
  • Lyndell Carrion and Tim Spelts for manning the tent on Saturday and to Bobbie Logan and Thien Nguyen for manning the tent on Sunday.
  • Eddie, Clay and Betty for help with set up.
  • To all of the families of our students who came and brought friends!
We have always said we have THE BEST students!

Master Robert and I deeply appreciate all you for your time and dedication. We will have photos and video of the demonstrations available soon.

Looking ahead:

November tuition is due Tuesday November 2nd for cash and checks. CC payments will be done on the 1st.

November 13th and 14th - Master Ted Sias - Sign up sheet is in the lobby. Class sizes will be limited so be sure to sign up soon. Registration needed by Nov 11th.

November 26th and 27th Closed for the Thanksgiving holiday. 1 Adult class on the 28th at 10:00am with kids class to follow at its normal time.

KFSS Graduation - December 12th 9:30am
SNAP Graduation - December 16th 5pm

We will run a modified schedule Dec 19-22nd and close the 23rd-27th and open again for a modified schedule the 28th-30th.

Everyone have a great week!
Ms. Kris and Master Robert

Monday, October 19, 2009

Updates Week Ending 10/24/09

Looks like its going to be a beeeeautiful week!

There is a lot going on so I'll get right to it:

THIS Saturday and Sunday is the Japanese Festival.

  • Our demonstrations are scheduled for 1pm on Saturday in "the Grove" and Sunday at 2pm at the same location. The festival is open from 10am-5pm on Saturday and noon to 5pm on Sunday. There is information on the board at the school as well as some fliers for you to take.
  • If you have signed up to demonstrate on Saturday or Sunday please be at our booth located in the Linden St. parking lot no later than 12:30pm on Saturday and 1:30 on Sunday. Please be in uniform!
  • Master Robert will be teaching class Saturday morning and will be coming out to the festival after. I will need someone to meet me at the festival to help set up the tent and someone to man the tent during the demonstrations. The tent must be set up on Saturday by 9am. Sunday by 11am. I am including a link to a map to the gardens.
  • Please let me know if you can be there Saturday and/or Sunday to help me set up. If you are demonstrating or will be helping me load in and out...I have passes for you. Please contact me and I will leave them at the school with your name on them. Thanks!

November 13th and 14th Master Ted Sias! We have firmed up our seminars with Master Ted.

  • Friday Night November 13th - 6:30-8pm Women's Self Defense $25 (reception to follow). This is not only open to our students, but to any woman who wants to learn to defend herself. Gentlemen...we need you too! I would recommend this for instructors too!
  • Saturday November 14th 8:30-9:15 Hatha Yoga $15 - great way to start the day and get your body warmed up. Then 9:30-11am - Kung Fu San Soo $25. This is open to our current and former students and any martial art student wishing to learn from a 1st generation master!
  • If you register for all receive a $15 discount. 3 seminars for $50!
  • Class size is limited and registration is required by November 11th. You can email me at or call the school at 817.590.8585. We will also have a sign up sheet in the lobby beginning this week.

We will be closed Thursday and Friday November 26th and 27th for the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will have one adult class on Saturday at 10:00am followed by the kids class at its normal time.

Mark your calendars!

Everyone have a great week!

Ms. Kris

Monday, October 12, 2009

Message from Master Robert and Updates

Hi All,

I hope this finds you well.

Again this semester, we’re going to focus on basics. I’m still seeing the basics (foot work, breathing/relaxation, smoothness, targeting, transitions, excessive speed, timing, etc) missing after the first step or two. This isn’t just with the beginners; it’s across all the ranks. Without the basics, none of the techniques will work very well if at all. Without the basics, you rob yourself of balance, control, and therefore power. I’m challenging you to focus on these things when you come to class. Think about what you’re are doing, check your foot work and make adjustments if necessary. Focus on breathing…in through the nose and out through the mouth. Inhale on the transition and exhale on the strike. If you find yourself stopping in the middle of a technique, then cut your speed in half. Think about the basics while working the lesson, working out, practicing forms, practicing the blocking/punching drills and while stepping through the eight count stance and the five wheel horse. The basics are the foundation on which the rest of the art is built. Without the basics in place, the rest will fall short and eventually fail.

I’ve also been missing some of you in class! I’ve been able to attend occasionally during the week and on Saturdays and you’ve missed some pretty cool lessons and techniques. I know that Halloween is right around the corner followed quickly by Thanksgiving and then Christmas…and things are starting to get busy. But don’t let your training lapse. If you don’t use it, you’ll get rusty. Its also good exercise and with the holidays rapidly approaching, that’s a good thing! Make a commitment to come to class at least twice a week, you’ll be glad you did and so will we.

Remember too that when you come to class to ask questions. If you see something in a lesson or just in working out that you don’t understand or wasn’t explained adequately then ask. You should never leave class with an unasked and/or an unanswered question. Because we have an answer and if we don’t, we’ll research it and get an answer. This is an incredible art and the better you understand it, the better practitioner you will be.

Thank you all for being a part of our Kung Fu San Soo family. I look forward to seeing all of you over the next few weeks. Don’t forget to pay attention to what’s going on around you when you’re out and about. Be safe!

Master Robert.


Friday October 16th, Instructor's Meeting at 7pm - PLEASE make arrangements to be there!

Saturday and Sunday October 24/25th - Japanese Festival at the Japanese Gardens in Fort Worth. I will have parking passes and maps by this weekend.

Friday/Saturday November 13/14 - Master Ted Sias. Friday evening 6:30-7:30 (reception to follow) and Saturday 8:30-11:00am. Regular kids class to follow at 11:30am.

Thursday/Friday November 26/27 - CLOSED for Thanksgiving Holiday.

Saturday November 28th - 1 Adult class - 10-11:15 with regular Kids class at 11:30.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Updates Week Ending 10/10/09 might be rainy, but I am so happy to see the cooler temperatures! Fall also ushers in Flu season. I know everyone has seen all the news updates and flu season isn't to be taken lightly. Take the precautions you need to stay healthy...get plenty of rest, pay attention to your diet, wash your hands often, and if you are sick, stay home.

The winter SNAP session begins this Wednesday October 7th.

There is a sign up sheet in the lobby for people to sign up for the demonstrations at the Japanese festival on October the 24th (1pm) and 25th (2pm). If you would like to help us show others about our art, please sign up at the school or email Ms. Kris. The festival is open from 10-5 Saturday and Sunday.

November 13th and 14th we will welcome Master Ted Sias. I am including some back ground on Master Ted in this update. He would like to know what WE would like to see. He will do one session on Friday evening and we will host a reception afterwards for Master Ted and he will host another session on Saturday during our two adult classes. There will be a separate fee for these sessions...price to be determined.

Here is some information about Master Ted:

Master Ted Sias began training in the ancient art of Tsoi Li Ho Fut Hung (Kung Fu San Soo) in 1967 at the Frank Woolsey Studio in Downey, CA. He received his Black Belt in 1970 and continued training and teaching under Frank Woolsey for two more years. In 1972, Master Ted furthered his training under Grand Master Jimmy H. Woo (Chin Siu Dek) who was also Master Frank Woolsey’s instructor. That same year, he opened his first studio in Westminster, CA. Master Ted earned his Master’s Degree from Grand Master Jimmy H. Woo in 1980 and continued training under the Grand Master until his death in 1991. In 1988, Master Ted moved his own studio to Huntington Beach where he still teaches today.

In addition to Kung Fu San Soo, Master Ted teaches Hatha Yoga, True Balance, and Mind Boxing. Hatha Yoga is a system of health to improve flexibility, strength, balance, breathing, relaxation, and coordination. True Balance is a series of seven postures which produce deep personal energy and proper skeletal alignment. Mind Boxing is a system which focuses on uniting the mind and body through movement and postures to eliminate physical tension and produce effortless power. These systems complement the art of Kung Fu San Soo.

Mater Ted also recognizes the unique self-defense needs and abilities of women. He teaches women special skills to stop an attacker, inflict injury, and escape quickly. Through focused training and discussion, women put themselves into dangerous situations and study appropriate responses to these situations rather than fearful reactions. They learn to recognize aggressive male behavior and strategies to neutralize potential attackers. This approach to training inspires awareness and confidence in female students.

Even today, more than forty years after beginning his Kung Fu San Soo training, Master Ted still exemplifies the focus and determination required to master this “life changing art.” His personal approach to teaching, generosity as a teacher, and openness to evolving the art have gathered a loyal following of long term students and earned great respect within the elite Kung Fu San Soo community. His students build personal confidence through years of studying the principles and application of the art, a confidence that can influence their entire lives. Above all, Master Ted embodies the strongest traits of a Kung Fu San Soo fighter: humility and respect.

Master Ted is excited to share his knowledge and experience. Please join him at the RK Martial Sciences studio on Friday, November 13 and Saturday November 14. The classes will be tailored to fit your collective preferences and will be published before his visit. Please respond with suggestions and questions soon.

Submit you suggestions and questions to Ms. Kris as soon as possible.

Everyone have a great week!

See you in class!
Ms. Kris