Saturday, April 19, 2008

Coming Up....

April 18th....
This weekend is the opening for the new Jet Li-Jackie Chan movie Forbidden Kingdom. This film is rated for the whole family and is being heralded by the Martial Arts Industry as one of the best Martial Arts films in recent times. So take your family and friends to see Forbidden Kingdom and don't forget to wear your RK Martial Sciences or Kung Fu San Soo of Texas T-Shirts!

April 24th...
Transition and Disabilities Expo, TCU, Ft. Worth, TX
Master Lisa and I will be at the Tarrant County Transitions & Disabilities Expo promoting RK Martial Sciences SNAP and Kung Fu San Soo programs. The expo is from 4-7pm and is an opportunity to reach out to people who may not fit in more competitive martial arts programs.

April 26th...11:30 Kids Class Cancelled for just this day.
Help Get Kidz Fit! ( On April 26th, Master Robert and I will take 5 students to the Get Kidz Fit Expo at Fair Park's Centennial Hall from 1-4pm. We are the only Martial Arts school to have been invited so this is a fantastic opportunity to not only promote OUR school but Martial Arts in general! There will be all kinds of games and people demonstrating ways for kids to get up from in front of the computer and get moving! Even ways to stay in front of the computer and move at the same time! So if you're looking for a fun way to spend an afternoon...come out and join us!

Everyone have a great weekend! We'll see you in class!

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