Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27th Updates

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Here are this week's updates:

Tuition is due Monday June 2nd. CC billing will be done Sunday June 1st.

June 7th 8:30-10:30a, Escapes, Evasions and Counters II. Don't miss this final installment of Master Dale's seminar! Sign up sheet is in the lobby or email me and I'll put you on the list.

GRADUATION is JUNE 28th! Time to get classes in. The attendance list has been posted on this site (thru 5/19). Please verify your classes and rank.

July 4th. We will be closed Friday July 4th - Sunday July 6th. Re-opening on Monday July 7th.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Attendance List


Just some reminders:

RKMSF will be closed Friday May 23-Monday May 26 in observance of the Memorial Day weekend. Please have a safe and fun holiday!

The next meeting of the Self Defense class will be Friday May 30th. I hope everyone has been practicing!

Escapes, Evasions and Counters II - Saturday June 7th 8:30-10:30am. This is the third installment of Master Dale Lockwood's seminar series. This promises to be an exciting conclusion to this series and we're really looking forward to it! Sign up sheet is on the white board in the lobby.

The tenative promotion list has been posted on the white board in the lobby and will also be available on this website within the next day or so. PLEASE check this list for attendance standings and belt ranks.

Coming soon - What makes a black belt?

Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12 Updates

Good Morning!

Did you know that TOO much work results in overall inefficiency. Now more than ever, we need to take a little time for ourselves - and RKMSF is the best therapy...where else can you end your workday by hitting someone, having them get back up and ask you to do it again! Talk about cathartic! Here is an interesting article...do you see yourself here? I do!

Friday May 16th - Self Defense and Awareness class begins its first 4 week session. If you or a loved one is interested in learning basic techniques for avoiding or surviving a violent encounter...have them come Friday from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Price is $45 per person.

Friday May 16th - Instructor's Meeting at 8pm. Please be there if at all possible.

Memorial Day Weekend (May 23rd - 26th) - RKMSF will be closed Friday 5/23 - Monday 5/26 in observance of the Memorial Day weekend. We will re-open with our normal schedule on Tuesday 5/27. Have a great weekend!

Saturday June 7th - Escapes, Evasions and Counters II - Part 3 of Master Dale's seminar series is June 7th from 8:30-10:30 with an adult class immediately following from 10:30-11:30 and kids class from 11:30-12:30. Price for the seminar is $25 and is open to all adult ranks and kid ranks green belt and up. Sign up sheet is on the white board in the lobby!

Everyone have a great week!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Escapes, Evasions and Counters II

I received this note from Master Dale today about his June 7th Seminar. Looks like another action packed two hours! Don't forget to sign up early! Registration sheet is on the white board in the lobby!

The June 7th seminar will once again, be chock-full of 'new and different' ways to look at combative problem solving.

Escapes, Evasions and Counters II - will explore the following - and more!

  • Stealing the bad guy's advantage: or Why haven't we practiced this before? This will be half the session.
  • Protecting the 3rd Person (Executive Protection techniques)
  • More ways to use the Helping Hand
  • Breaking capture while walking

These are 4 subject areas that are best learned by doing. These are low in conceptual content and high in practice effort. This seminar will be one where we are in constant motion for nearly the entire time. Expect numerous lessons and variations that will teach each person how to solve problems they may not have faced in the classroom before.

This will be fun!
Master Dale

Monday, May 5, 2008

May Updates

Here we are folks...the first full week of May! Can you believe it! Just short of 1/2 way thru 2008! WOW!

Here some things happening for the month of May and June:

#1 A brand new Self Defense Class will begin on Friday, May 16th from 5:30-6:30pm. This will be a 4 week class meeting 1 night a week(Friday). This is a great way to learn the basics of surviving a violent encounter. It is also a great way to get your feet wet in Kung Fu San Soo. This class will cover the basic psychology of predators, how to avoid becoming a victim and what to do if you are attacked. Cost for non-KFSS students is $45 per 4 week session.

#2 The third installment of Master Dale's seminar series will be Saturday June 7th from 8:30-10:30 a.m. The cost is $25 per person and is open to all students ages 13 and up. There will be an adult class immediately following and the kids class will be at its regular time. More seminar details to follow so keep watching the website.

#3 If you have not already done so, please get your tuition in to Ms. Kris this week.

#4 There will be an ID/instructor's meeting on Friday, May 16th at 8pm at the school. Please make every effort to be there. If you know your summer schedule...bring that with you.

The tentative promotion list will be posted on Monday May 19th. If you have missed classes...now is the time to get them in instead of waiting til the end of the semester.

See you in class!