Monday, November 7, 2011

Holiday Homestretch

OK everyone....we're heading into that time of year where EVERYONE (myself included) gets over scheduled, overworked, and over frazzled!  (yes...I said frazzled.)  It's more important than ever to make sure you schedule time to do something for yourself and your family.  Remember that training in Kung Fu is something you do for yourself (and trust me...your family benefits too!). 

The benefits of training regularly are increased focus and awareness, exercise, and an overall sense of well-being.  Training not only at the school but at home makes Kung Fu a way of life. 

Try this...(doesn't matter if you are a child or an adult)
At least once a day find 10-15 minutes and a quiet place to either stretch, do a form, or just focus on breathing.  You will find you have more focus and energy whether you are at work or at school.  If you're like me and sit at a desk during the get pretty stiff and tired.  Taking those 10 minutes helps alleviate physical tension and gives me the energy I need to get through the rest of my day.

We're heading into the homestretch for our December KFSS graduation on December the 17th.  6 weeks left!  We will have some schedule modifications around the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays so be on the look out for those.

We ARE planning a kids movie night in December on the 16th (from 6-9) so make plans to be there!

Have a great week and we'll see you in class!
Ms. Kris