Monday, November 28, 2011

December is Just Around the Corner

December is closer than you think! There is alot going on this month so hold on tight!

Here we go:

12/2 Advanced Forms 7-8pm
12/12 No 4:30/5:30 classes. 6:30/7:30 as scheduled.
12/16. Kids' Movie Night 6-9p. "Kung Fu Panda 2" $10 per child and includes pizza, snacks and games.
12/17. KFSS Graduation 9:30a Promotions List is up on the outside of my office wall. Please check the attendance and rankings. Belt fees due by 12/8. Please provide belt sizes ASAP.
12/21-12/30 We will be CLOSED for the Holidays.
12/31 1 adult class 9-10:30a. NO KIDS CLASSES.


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and we'll see you soon.

Ms. Kris

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