Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Forms and Holiday Schedules

OK folks...just a quick reminder....

Because of the Thanksgiving Holiday, we will have our last November Advanced Forms Class on 11/19 (that's THIS Friday) at 7pm.

We will roll into our Thanksgiving Holiday schedule beginning Monday 11/22. This is also available on the website under Calendar of Events. For those who prefer email:

Monday and Tuesday (11/22 & 11/23) Regular Class Schedules
Wednesday - Friday 11/24-11/26 CLOSED
Saturday 11/27 - ONE ADULT CLASS 9a-10:30a NO KIDS CLASS

Monday 11/29 Return to normal class schedule.

Class attendance and tentative promotions list will be posted in the lobby tomorrow. Attendance is thru 11/6. I'll update the list again at the end of November.

Kid's Movie Night is December 17th from 6p-9p. We'll be showing "How to Train Your Dragon". Cost is $8 per child and we'll have pizza, snacks and games. We should probably call this Parent's night out...;-) Students, family and friends are welcome. We'll have a sign up sheet in the lobby the beginning of December to get an idea of how many pizza's we need to order.

See you in class!
Ms. Kris