Monday, November 8, 2010

Christmas! Already? Really? that I have your attention....

The advanced forms workshop we did at the 10am class on Saturday turned out really well. We will do this again on the first Saturday in December and hope to keep it up next year. Now if you're thinking you need to be a member of the Advanced Forms class to attend...think again! We were able to spend the class working on the finer points of the class form and even learned the Kung Fu walk. It's a great opportunity to really work on the class form at a much deeper level. So we hope to see you on December 4th!

The next Advance Forms Class meets Friday 11/12 at 7pm.

Thanksgiving is coming up...faster than my waistline wants to think about! We will have a modified schedule the week of Thanksgiving. Please make note:
  • We will have our normal schedule on Monday and Tuesday November 22 & 23.
  • SNAP will NOT meet on Wednesday Nov 24th.
  • We will be closed Thursday and Friday Nov 25 & 26.
  • We will have ONE Adult Class at 9am on Saturday Nov 27. (No Kids Class)
  • We will return to our normal schedule on Monday Nov. 29.
Then we roll into December!

We are planning a Kids Movie Night (otherwise known as parents night out...shhhhh....) Friday December 17th from 6-9pm. Cost is $5 per child. We encourage students to bring their friends. Movie TBA (but leaning towards How To Train Your Dragon or Karate Kid). Please mark your calendars and save the date.

SNAP Graduation will be Wednesday December the 15th.
KFSS Graduation will be Saturday December 18th. (promotions list to be posted this week)

We will have a modified schedule the week of Christmas and New Years which is posted on our website ( then go to Calendar of Events). I'll send out an email on that later.

I hope everyone has a great week.
Ms. Kris