Monday, April 4, 2011

April 2011 - A look Ahead

April is going to be a busy month for RKMSF here's what's coming up:

April 8th - Advance Forms 7pm.  Remember, you need to know the current class form to attend this class.  This is not the place to learn's the place to break it apart and study it.

April 16/17th - The Spring Festival at the Japanese Gardens, Ft. Worth TX.  RKMSF will be doing a demonstration on Saturday the 16th at 3:00p (Demo Team needs to be on site NO LATER than 2:30p) and Sunday the 17th at 3:30p (Demo Team should be on site NO LATER than 3p).  We will be on the Marketplace Stage which is inside the festival this year.  All Demo Team Members need to be in class on Saturday the 16th to go over what we will present. 

April 30th - 1st Annual RKMSF School Picnic (1-5p) At Chisholm Park, Hurst, TX.  This is going to be a GREAT party!  Games, food and an overall fun time! 

This is what's coming up...I'll have maps up to the Japanese Gardens later this week.

That about sums up April!

If anyone has any questions, please send me an email or call the school number 817.590.8585.

Have a great week!
Ms. Kris