Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Updates week ending 6/19/10

We had a great time last Saturday taking our group to see "the Karate Kid". The movie is well worth seeing whether you are an adult or child.

The kids are already starting to talk about "The Last Airbender" so we'll look to see who is interested in going to see that too!

Advanced Forms
The advanced forms class originally scheduled for June 11th has been rescheduled for THIS coming Friday (June 18th) at 7pm. Remember, the only prerequisite is that you know the current class form.

We're coming down to the wire as June 26th draws near. If you are moving from White to Yellow belt or Brown to Black belt, your belt fees are due before June 25th. KFSS Graduation is Saturday June 26th at 9:30am. We will not have a regular class schedule that day.

SNAP Graduation is Wednesday June 30th. I still need belt sizes and confirmation of rank from the SNAP students. Please check the list on the white board in the lobby.

I heard this morning that this has been the hottest June on record thus far....which means July and August are going to be worse. Please remember to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and replenish the vitamins you lose during workouts.

Everyone keep cool!
See you in class.
Ms. Kris