Friday, May 7, 2010

Message from Master Robert

Hi All,

I hope all is well with you and that Spring has been kind. I was in a meeting/training session this morning and something (actually several things) was said by the speaker that I really liked and appreciated. He said that if you ever feel you can’t learn something from someone then there is an ego/pride issue that needs to be addressed. He said he learns from everyone he meets. Sometimes it’s something pretty small, sometimes it’s pretty big but it’s always something.

The speaker was Rich Warren, who has written several books. Perhaps the best known is Purpose Driven Life. But I thought it was interesting that he made that point because we have talked about that on a number of occasions. He also said that you should learn something every day and the best way to do that is to PAY ATTENTION.

Why am I telling you this? Well, because it bears repeating. Think about it. If you learn something from everyone you meet think of the growth that you’ll have…not just in KFSS but in all things. I learn something from every class I attend…even the ones I teach! Because someone will ask a question or make an observation that improves my understanding.

Now…what’s the point? The point is as follows: Pay attention, keep an open mind, approach every class (and situation) with the expectation to learn something and then look for the something to learn. Not only will it make you a more effective KFSS practitioner, it will make you a more effective life practitioner.

Be safe and be alert,
Master Robert.