Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Instructor Blog - Advanced Forms

I thought I'd let some of the folks who make our school so special start telling you about what we're doing. I'll be posting blogs from our instructor's as they come in. Here is our first installment of the Advanced Forms Blog:

April 27, 2010

Hello Fellow Students,

First, I want to extend a heartfelt “Thank you!!” to all students in the Advanced Forms Class. Your positive feedback is humbling and sincerely appreciated. It is a special treat to explore the deeper levels of our art with like minded individuals. It is also an honor to contribute to RKMSF web site and communications. I can ensure that each post will be written from my heart. As always, I am ever open to questions and/or discussion on any subject I pen.

The success that I feel from the Advanced Forms Class is not based on attendance, even though that has been good (especially the last class on 4/23!!). Rather, I measure this success by the focus and determination of you, the students. Be proud of yourselves! The class could not succeed without your engagement. It is your excitement, focus, and determination that foster the interesting questions. No teacher acting alone could sustain the excellent discussions that we have enjoyed.

For those who have not attended the Advanced Forms Class, you are most welcome. There is only one prerequisite to this class: you must know the current class form. The class will be much more fulfilling with your curiosity and determination, so bring these too. I want to point out that the first student from the kids’ class joined us this past Friday. I was very impressed and hope for more participation from our younger brothers and sisters.

To pique your interest, here are some of the things we are studying in the Advanced Forms Class. Most of these principles and techniques I will only teach this class. Not everything is born from the ancient art of Tsoi Li Ho, but all will contribute to your personal development in Kung Fu San Soo as it has for me.

We have been looking at:
  1. Deeper details in the class forms.
  2. Class form using weapons (we are applying the broad sword now!)
  3. Linking class forms together (we will start this soon)
  4. A new form type: XingYi (or Hsing I).
  5. The 8 Section Brocade as taught to me.
  6. Various Hatha Yoga postures including some of the Sunrises.
  7. The mental and emotional aspects of fighting.
  8. Philosophy of Kung Fu San Soo and martial arts in general.
I look forward to writing more, and seeing you again on the training floor.
