Monday, January 26, 2009

Updates Week Ending 1/31/09

It was great to see the turnout for classes this weekend! We even had some student family members come to our first Friends and Family class. We hope to continue having this type of class at least twice a quarter. So mark your calendars for the next Friends and Family class on March 7th. Adults 10am and kids 11:30am.

Weather update: Apparently there is a significant weather event including sleet and freezing rain due to hit the DFW area late tonight and early tomorrow. As this IS Texas its hard to tell what the impact will be until it actually happens. As of right now, NO classes have been cancelled, but that could change by tomorrow. PLEASE check the website for closing information or call 817-590-8585 to get the latest information.

February 21st - Master Darian's 2nd Weapons Seminar "Short Sticks" - class is $25 and stick set is $20. The sign up sheet is in the lobby. Class will be from 8:30-10:30 with and adult class immediately following, kids class at normal time.

Its not too early to start thinking about graduation....which will be March 25th for SNAP and March 28th for KFSS...get your classes in early!

Everyone have a great week and we'll see you in class!

Ms. Kris

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