Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Week at RKMSF

Good Morning Everyone!  I just want to say thank you to everyone who came out for KFSS graduation on Saturday.  We had a really great turn out and I know the folks being promoted appreciated it.

We're going into a Holiday week so I want to re-iterate the Holiday Schedule.

RKMSF will be open for regular classes on Monday and Tuesday this week the will close thru 12/30.  We will run ONE (1) Adult Class on 12/31 from 9a to 10:30a for those who need to stretch their legs and work off some Holiday meals. =) Then we will re-open on 1/2 with our regular class schedule.

Master Robert and I want to wish Everyone a very Happy Holiday Season!  We hope to see everyone back in class after the New Year! 

Be safe this Holiday Season!

Ms. Kris

Monday, November 28, 2011

December is Just Around the Corner

December is closer than you think! There is alot going on this month so hold on tight!

Here we go:

12/2 Advanced Forms 7-8pm
12/12 No 4:30/5:30 classes. 6:30/7:30 as scheduled.
12/16. Kids' Movie Night 6-9p. "Kung Fu Panda 2" $10 per child and includes pizza, snacks and games.
12/17. KFSS Graduation 9:30a Promotions List is up on the outside of my office wall. Please check the attendance and rankings. Belt fees due by 12/8. Please provide belt sizes ASAP.
12/21-12/30 We will be CLOSED for the Holidays.
12/31 1 adult class 9-10:30a. NO KIDS CLASSES.


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and we'll see you soon.

Ms. Kris

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

RKMSF Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule

Good morning everyone!  Can you believe it?  Next week is Thanksgiving!  We will run a modified schedule next week so please make a note.

  • Monday and Tuesday November 21st and 22nd  - Normal class schedules.
  • Wednesday - Friday November 23-25 - RKMSF will be CLOSED
  • Saturday November 26th - ONE (1) Saturday Adult Class 9a-10:30a (I don't know about you but I'm ready to move around by then and work off the big meals)
  • Monday November 28 - Return to normal class schedule. 
The holiday schedule is also posted on the website calendar.  The December promotions list will be posted by Monday November 21st. 

Don't forget Kid's Movie Night on December 16th.  The movie this year (in keeping with our Kung Fu theme) is Kung Fu Panda 2. 

Everyone have a safe and happy holiday!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Holiday Homestretch

OK everyone....we're heading into that time of year where EVERYONE (myself included) gets over scheduled, overworked, and over frazzled!  (yes...I said frazzled.)  It's more important than ever to make sure you schedule time to do something for yourself and your family.  Remember that training in Kung Fu is something you do for yourself (and trust me...your family benefits too!). 

The benefits of training regularly are increased focus and awareness, exercise, and an overall sense of well-being.  Training not only at the school but at home makes Kung Fu a way of life. 

Try this...(doesn't matter if you are a child or an adult)
At least once a day find 10-15 minutes and a quiet place to either stretch, do a form, or just focus on breathing.  You will find you have more focus and energy whether you are at work or at school.  If you're like me and sit at a desk during the get pretty stiff and tired.  Taking those 10 minutes helps alleviate physical tension and gives me the energy I need to get through the rest of my day.

We're heading into the homestretch for our December KFSS graduation on December the 17th.  6 weeks left!  We will have some schedule modifications around the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays so be on the look out for those.

We ARE planning a kids movie night in December on the 16th (from 6-9) so make plans to be there!

Have a great week and we'll see you in class!
Ms. Kris

Sunday, October 30, 2011

NO CLASSES Monday 10/31

My informal poll of our Monday class attendees indicated that everyone will be out trick or treating, so we will cancel classes on Monday 10/31.  Everyone have a Happy and Safe Halloween!

See you back in class on Tuesday!

Novemeber tuition is due on Tuesday 11/1/11 (notice the date....coooooool!)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thank you!

Master Robert and I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who made this weekend with Master Ted a great success!  It was great to see our new friends from Huntsville with Reeder's Kung Fu School.  It's always great to meet new people who share a common interest. 

Many thanks to Jason for making all the travel arrangements and playing host for Master Ted.  We truly have the best students!  And we wouldn't have a school without you!

Look for what we learned this weekend to pop up in classes!  It was some fantastic stuff!  As you go through your week, take time to relax and to will make a world of difference in your day!

We'll see YOU in class!

Ms. Kris

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Master Ted Sias is in the house!!!

Just a reminder that Master Ted will be here this weekend and our schedule is a little different.  So here's the run down:

4-6p    Private Instruction (the 5-6p slot has been filled)
6:30p   Forms Seminar (open to all students, you don't need to know the current class form)

8:30-10:30a  Adult KFSS Instruction by Master Ted (Open to all ranks and disciplines)
11-noon        Kids KFSS with Master Ted
noon to 1       Break for Lunch
1-2:30           Black Belt Class
3-5p              Private Instruction (2 one hour sessions)

9-10a            Hatha Yoga
10-11a          Private Instruction

There is still lots of room available so even if you haven't signed up and are interested...make plans to join us!  It will be an action packed weekend!  See you there! 

Ms. Kris

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Don't forget - Master Ted visits in 2 weeks!

Just wanted to remind everyone that Master Ted will be here in 2 weeks!!  If you haven't already signed up, please do so in the lobby.  There is something for everyone.  But incase you've forgotten, here's the schedule again:

October 21-23, Master Ted Sias will be here! I'll be posting sign up sheets in the lobby on Saturday so we can get an idea of who will be attending what classes. Here is the schedule of events:


Friday 10/21
  • 4-6p Master Ted will be available for Private instruction. He likes to work with groups of 2-3 students and the price is $150 per hour (this can be split amongst the group members).
  • 6:30p-8p Forms! Open to all KFSS students ages 12 and up.

Saturday 10/22 (the following schedule will replace our normal Saturday schedule)
  • 8:30-10:30a KFSS (adults) - Open to all KFSS ranks and other Martial disciplines
  • 11:00a - noon Kids KFSS with Master Ted
  • 1-2:30p KFSS Black Belt Class
  • 3-5p Private Instruction (1 hour sessions)

Sunday 10/23
  • 9-10a Hatha Yoga - Open to anyone
  • 10-11a Private Instruction (1 hour sessions)
Prices are as follows:  
Kids KFSS with Master Ted - $20 per child (discounts for multiple family members)
All other classes are $25 per person. (excluding private instruction)
1 Class $25, 2 - $40, 3 - $60, 4 - $75

Private Instruction is $150 per hour for 1 person (Master Ted prefers groups of 2-5)
2 - $75 p/p, 3 - $60 p/p, 4 - $50 p/p, 5 - $40 p/p

Call 817-590-8585 or email to register by 10/20/2011. All major credit cards are accepted along with debit cards with the VISA or MasterCard logos. (Checks and cash also accepted)

See you there!
Ms. Kris




Tuesday, September 27, 2011

October Fun!

Thank you to everyone who came out for the KFSS Summer Graduation on Saturday!  It was great to see all the new faces!

As we go into October here are some special details:

We're back to full uniforms (as of 9/26) so everyone get your gi tops out and dust them off.  We may have 1 or 2 more toasty days but they won't even be close to what we endured over the summer.
October 1, tuition due.

October 21-23, Master Ted Sias will be here!  I'll be posting sign up sheets in the lobby on Saturday so we can get an idea of who will be attending what classes.  Here is the schedule of events:

Friday 10/21 
  • 4-6p Master Ted will be available for Private instruction. He likes to work with groups of 2-3 students and the price is $150 per hour (this can be split amongst the group members).
  • 6:30p-8p Forms!  Open to all KFSS students ages 12 and up.  
Saturday 10/22 (the following schedule will replace our normal Saturday schedule)
  • 8:30-10:30a KFSS (adults) - Open to all KFSS ranks and other Martial disciplines
  • 11:00a - noon Kids KFSS with Master Ted
  • 1-2:30p KFSS Black Belt Class
  • 3-5p Private Instruction (1 hour sessions) 
Sunday 10/23
  • 9-10a Hatha Yoga - Open to anyone
  • 10-11a Private Instruction (1 hour sessions)
Prices are as follows:
  • Kids KFSS with Master Ted - $20 per child (discounts for multiple family members)
  • All other classes are $25 per person. (excluding private instruction)
    • 1 Class $25, 2 - $40, 3 - $60, 4 - $75
  • Private Instruction is $150 per hour for 1 person (Master Ted prefers groups of 2-5)
    • 2 - $75 p/p, 3 - $60 p/p, 4 - $50 p/p, 5 - $40 p/p 
Call 817-590-8585 or email to register by 10/20/2011.  All major credit cards are accepted along with debit cards with the VISA or MasterCard logos.  (Checks and cash also accepted)

We look forward to seeing everyone in class as we start the Fall Quarter!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cooler Temps on the Horizon?

Only if you consider 96-99 degrees cooler! But hey...after 60+ days of over 100, I'll take it!  That's what the Weather Channel is projecting beginning Thursday...but wait, this is will most likely change by tomorrow.  ;-)  Mother Nature keeps teasing us with these little showers, but believe it or not, I heard there should be some good rain coming in a week or so.  THAT will be nice!

Enough about the weather!  Here's what's coming up at RKMSF:

Sept 1 - Tuition is due.

Sept 3-5 - Labor Day Weekend.  No classes Saturday or Monday.  Classes resume on Tuesday.

Sept 24 - KFSS Graduation.  Doors open at 8:30a, Graduation will start at 9:30.  If you are moving from white to yellow belt, please make sure I have your belt fees by the 17th.  Even if you aren't changing ranks, please come and support your fellow students. 

Sept 26 - Fall Quarter begins

October 21-23 Master Ted Sias visits! (NOTE the date change)  We had a schedule conflict come up and had to change the weekend.  I'll be working with Jason and Master Ted to put a schedule of events and prices together over the next couple of weeks.

That's all for now.  Everyone stay cool!
Ms. Kris

Friday, August 12, 2011

Forms Cancelled

The Advanced Forms class scheduled for this evening has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts with most of the class. =)  We'll reschedule for the 26th.

Ms. Kris

Monday, August 8, 2011

Updates Week Ending 8/13/11

If you're in Texas you already know how HOT it is.  Enough said.  =)

If you haven't already paid your tuition, please make arrangements to do so as soon as possible. 

Looking ahead:

Advanced Forms Aug 12 7pm

Labor Day Weekend Sept 3-5.  RKMSF will be CLOSED!  No classes, so everyone have a great holiday!

KFSS Graduation Sept 24 9:30am

Master Ted visits October 14-16.  We've been able to nail these dates down, so mark your calendars!  More to come on the schedule of events as those details become available.

If you have emailed me in the last 10 days or so to and I haven't answered, it's not because I'm ignoring you!  I've had an issue with that account and cannot retrieve my email.  If you need to reach me, please use or

Everyone stay cool!

Ms. Kris

Monday, July 25, 2011

Forms! Forms! Forms!

Aaaaaaand we're back!  This Friday (July 29th) we'll restart the Advanced Forms class at 7pm.  We're still locking down August dates and I will confirm once we they are available.

Remember...the criteria for attending the Advanced Forms class is knowing the current class form. 

In other news....

Its already been a LONG HOT Summer and it doesn't look like this is going to change anytime soon.  We'd like to ask you to help keep the school cool, by not standing with the front door open.  The good news?  The A/C is keeping up! 

We've had some really good class attendance lately and hopefully this will continue.  We've lost some of our students due to summer activities and look forward to their return.  We've even had some students return after a long absence...welcome back!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Class for the Little Kids!

We have several smaller kiddos who watch their big brothers and sisters in Kung Fu class and while they're not quite big enough for regular classes, they WANT to learn.  So we're implementing a Little Kids class on SATURDAYS ONLY from 11:30a-12p effective 7/16.  This class will be for ages 4-6 and focus on teaching the little ones how to follow instructions, tumbling, respect and basically learning how to use their little bodies.

We will move the regular kids class from it's 11:30 start time to 12 noon and it will go from noon to 1pm.  We hope this will give the little kids the attention they need to be able to succeed at Kung Fu as they grow.

If you know of a child age 4-6 and you think this would benefit them, please let me know! 

Everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July!
See you in class!
Ms. Kris

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

3rd Quarter for KFSS begins!

Thank you to everyone who came out for graduation!  You made it a really good time!

Just a few updates:

July 4th Weekend - On Saturday July 2nd, there will be only 1 Adult Class from 9-11 and then we will have the kids class from 11:30-12:30.  WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY JULY 4TH.  There will be no classes.  Classes will resume on Tuesday July 5th.

Looking ahead...Mark you calendars now....Master Ted returns October 7-9th!!!  If you are new and haven't met or worked with Master are in for a treat!!  So mark your calendars NOW!!!

According to everything I've been reading and hearing, the Texas heat is going to be around for quite some time, so make sure you stay hydrated during any kind of physical activity...that includes Kung Fu! 

Stay Cool!
Ms. Kris

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June Updates - Holy Moly it's HOT!!!

Being hot in Texas isn't really uncommon this time of year, however hitting 100 degrees only two weeks into June is!  Looks to be a VERY hot, dry summer. 

Enough about the's what's happening for the rest of the month and into July....

This week's Advanced Forms class has been CANCELLED due to a schedule conflict.  We'll re-schedule as soon as info becomes available.  So for those in the have a few more weeks to practice the staff form before having to do it in front of the teacher! =)

KFSS Graduation June 25th at 9:30am.  Doors will open at 8:30.  Please get to the school in time to stretch and get warmed up.  If you are moving from white to yellow belt, your belt fees are due by June 20th.  Please see me for payment.  If you are moving in ANY rank I need your belt sizes ASAP.

SNAP Graduation June 29th at 5pm. 

4th of July Weekend - We will have ONE (1) Adult class at 9am-11:15a and the kids class will start at its regular time.  We will be CLOSED on Monday July the 4th. 

Looking ahead....Master Ted will be coming back to RKMSF the weekend of October 8th!!!  Make plans now to be in town!  More information to come.

That's all for now.  Everyone have a great week!

Stay Cool!
Ms. Kris

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Officially Summer in Texas!

OK...well not "officially" (not til June 21), but the temperature outside is what is expected during a Texas summer.  I don't know about you but I got lulled into a false sense of "cool" with all the lovely spring temperatures (not to mention the spring storms, but that's another topic).  Time to break out the summer uniforms.  For those who are new...summer uniforms are a T-shirt, gi pants and your belt.  Please make sure your T-shirt has sleeves (NO TANK TOPS!).  The board at the school says summer uniforms start June 1, but I think we can start today.

Advanced forms this month will be Friday June 3rd at 7pm and Friday June 17th at 7pm.

Spring KFSS Graduation is June 25 at 9:30a.  I will post a tentative promotions list by Saturday.  PLEASE check it for promotions. 

Spring SNAP Graduation is June 29th at 5pm.  Promotions list will also be posted in the lobby.  ALSO, PLEASE check it for correct rankings.

With the weather (and humidity) heating up, it will be more important than ever to stay hydrated.  Let's review...Drink plenty of water, take frequent breaks and limit exposure during the heat of the day. 

Everyone have a great week and we'll see you in class!!
Ms. Kris

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


We've had a schedule conflict come up for the Advanced Forms class on Friday 5/20.  As I have spoken to most of the members of the class, we are going to move the class to Wednesday 5/18 at 7pm. 

If you are an advanced student and know the current class form, please join us for a deeper look into forms and how they add a new dimension to your fighting skills!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Updates

Master Robert and I would like to thank everyone who came out to the picnic on Saturday.  It was a really good time!  I think we should do that again next year! =)

On to what's coming up in May:

May 13th and 20th at 7pm will be the next Advanced Forms classes.  Mark your calendars!

May 28th-30th - Memorial Day Weekend - RKMSF will be closed (no classes).  Everyone have a great holiday!

Looking ahead:

June 25th 9:30am - KFSS Graduation (tentative promotions list will go up around the end of May)

June 29th 5pm - SNAP Graduation

4th of July weekend - Saturday (7/2) there will be 1 adult class at 9:30a and the kids class at 11:30a.  We will be closed Monday July 4th.

Everyone have a great week and we'll see you in class!
Ms. Kris

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1st Annual RKMSF Picnic 4/30/11

April 30th is almost here!!!!  Hope everyone is making plans to attend the 1st Annual RKMSF picnic from 1-5p.  The weather should be great and it should be a great party!  Please let me know how many will be attending so I know how much food to buy! 

Chisholm Park is located on Norwood Blvd north of Harwood on the right.  (2200 Norwood Drive, Hurst, TX)  Here is the link to their website:

Hope to see everyone there!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Correction to 4/18 post

It was finally brought to my attention, that I left one of our demonstration team participants off my earlier post of 4/18.  Sabrina Del Rosario was also a member of our demo team and participated in both demonstrations.  Thank you so much for you particpation.  My apologies for not catching my mistake earlier.

Ms. Kris

Monday, April 18, 2011

Festival Update and Upcoming Events

Master Robert and I would like to say THANK YOU to all of our Demo Team participants
Justin, Marcus and Michael Yu
Angel, Clara and Emma Pena
Vivian Hall
Jason Schaafsma
and Jacob Favors
and their families for their time this weekend!  Our demonstration was a big hit with standing room only on Saturday!  Without our students there is no school!  You all ROCK!

Our next big event is the 1st Annual RK Martial Sciences Picnic on April 30th at Chisholm Park.  Maps will be available later this week at the school.  It's going to be a great party so make plans now!!!

That's all for now!  But stay tuned!

Have a great week everyone!!
Ms. Kris

Monday, April 11, 2011

Updates for this week (8/11-8/17)

It's going to be a busy week at RKMSF....

Vivian Hall (one of our Senior Black Belts) has asked me to pass on some information regarding a film shoot in Haltom City on Tuesday.  Here is the information:

Well be shooting from 7-9. Looking for people above the age of 20 Caucasian. There will be snacks they will get copy of the film. The extras will be audience members at a tea party meeting. I don't think bringing kids would be a good idea. They will need to dress middle to upper middle class casual. Two outfits will be necessary. 

Tuesday April 12th 7:00 pm
Oscars Mexican restaurant
3408 Denton highway
Haltom City 76117

Contact William Wasson if interested at

Spring Festival at the Japanese Gardens - RKMSF Demonstrations - The following folks will comprise our demo team:
Jason, Jacob, Kris, Angel, Clara, Emma, Eddie, Justin (Maybe Marcus and Michael), Sabrina, Derrick. 
Please make sure you are in class Saturday morning (kids will need to be in the kids class not adult class).  We will be going over what will be covered and you will have time to practice before heading to the demo.

An email with additional instructions will go out shortly.

Even if you are not part of the demo team, please come out and support the school and enjoy the festival.  Our demonstration is at 3:00p on Saturday and 3:30p on Sunday.  Ticket prices are $5 for Adults and $3 for children ages 4-12.  Kids 3 and under are free.

That's all for today.  See you all in class this week!
Ms. Kris

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 2011 - A look Ahead

April is going to be a busy month for RKMSF here's what's coming up:

April 8th - Advance Forms 7pm.  Remember, you need to know the current class form to attend this class.  This is not the place to learn's the place to break it apart and study it.

April 16/17th - The Spring Festival at the Japanese Gardens, Ft. Worth TX.  RKMSF will be doing a demonstration on Saturday the 16th at 3:00p (Demo Team needs to be on site NO LATER than 2:30p) and Sunday the 17th at 3:30p (Demo Team should be on site NO LATER than 3p).  We will be on the Marketplace Stage which is inside the festival this year.  All Demo Team Members need to be in class on Saturday the 16th to go over what we will present. 

April 30th - 1st Annual RKMSF School Picnic (1-5p) At Chisholm Park, Hurst, TX.  This is going to be a GREAT party!  Games, food and an overall fun time! 

This is what's coming up...I'll have maps up to the Japanese Gardens later this week.

That about sums up April!

If anyone has any questions, please send me an email or call the school number 817.590.8585.

Have a great week!
Ms. Kris

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Quarter Begins Today (3/28)

A special THANK YOU to everyone who came out and made this graduation so special.  It was a great event and I know those who were promoted appreciate your attendance.  Congratulations MASTER Harry Weekly!!!!
Belt stripes will be given out this week in class.

Our next event is April 16/17th at the Fort Worth Japanese Festival.  I'm still waiting on performance times from the festival coordinator.  I'll keep you posted.

April 30th 1-5p RKMSF 1st Annual School Picnic - We invite all current and former students to come out and join us in some fun and frivolity at the Tejas Pavilion, Chisholm Part (Hurst, TX).  Remember, the school will provide Hot Dogs and Hamburgers (buns and condiments).  Please bring your favorite side dish and drinks.  It will be a great party and we're looking forward to seeing everyone there!

That's all for now!  See everyone in class!
Ms. Kris

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's Official! Spring has least in Texas!

Happy Spring everyone!

And its going to be a busy one!  Graduations, picnics, festivals...we've got something for everyone! 

Here's what's happening:

March 25th - Advanced Forms - 7-8pm.  This will be another practice session led by Jacob and myself as Jason will not be available.  This is an excellent opportunity to catch up on what you've missed and work on smoothing out the rough spots so we look good when the teacher comes back! ;-)

March 26th - KFSS Graduation - 9:30 am.  Doors open at 8:30.  This is a very special Graduation as our own Harry Weekly will receive his Masters rank.  Mr. Eddie is making his award winning brisket and beans!  We have several other Black Belt degree promotions and lots of folks moving from white to yellow belt. (Belt Fees are due this week)  Make plans to attend this event even if you aren't receiving a promotion.  Come and support your fellow students.  Plan to bring a side dish or drink and stay and celebrate this occasion with us.  It takes a very long time to receive the rank of Master and shows a true commitment to the art of Kung Fu San Soo.

March 30th - SNAP Graduation - 5pm This is a small but dedicated group who work really hard.  Please come out and support them as they continue their progress.

April 1 - KFSS tuition due.
April 6 - SNAP tuition due.

April 16/17th - Ft. Worth Japanese Festival - I have not received a schedule for this event yet so I don't have any times.  If you are planning to be a part of the demo team, we will need to meet before the 16th to go over our presentation.  More to come.

April 30th - 1st Annual RKMSF school picnic at Chisholm Park (
The picnic will take place between 1-5pm at the Tejas Pavilion.  The school will provide Hamburgers and Hot Dogs (buns and condiments) as well as plates and plastic ware.  Sign up sheet is in the lobby for side dishes.  We will have fun and games and it should be a really good time for everyone!  We have so many new students and this is a great way to get to know other folks in the school.

Whew!  That's it for now.  Stay tuned for upcoming events! 

See you in Class!
Ms. Kris

Monday, March 7, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy......

Good Monday morning everyone!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

There's lots of stuff coming up so here's the line up:

ADVANCED FORMS - There WILL be an ADVANCED FORMS class this Friday (March 11) 7-8pm.  We will also focus on forms on Saturday March 12th in the 10am class. 

KFSS Graduation Saturday March 26th at 9:30am.  This will the first Master's promotion for RKMSF so plan to be there!  The tentative promotions list is up in the lobby.  Please check it to make sure I have your rank correct.  Attendance is updated thru Saturday 3/5/11. If you are new to the school or not being promoted, please make plans to attend.  This will be a very exciting graduation.

We will also be having a luncheon after graduation.  There will be a sign up sheet in the lobby for side dishes as Mr. Eddie is making his world famous brisket. 

Demonstration at the Japanese Festival April 16-17th.  (Time to be determined).  Thus far I have 1 volunteer for the demo team.  I need at least 4 adults and 4 kids.  Please let me know if you can be apart of this team and help promote our school.

1st Annual RKMSF school picnic April 30th 1-5p, Chisholm Park, Hurst Texas.  The school will furnish hot dogs and hamburgers, buns, plates and plastic ware.  There is a sign up sheet in the lobby for side dishes.  there will be games and demonstrations and fun for everyone so mark your calendars!

It's going to be busy, busy, busy!!!

See you in class!
Ms. Kris

Monday, February 28, 2011

Updates for Week Ending 3/5/11

Did someone say Spring?  I hope everyone got out and enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend.  It was great to see so many kids on Saturday! 

KFSS tuition is due 3/1 (tomorrow). 

KFSS Graduation is just 4 weeks away and it's going to be a very special one at that!  Mr. Harry is receiving his Master's Certificate!  We'll be celebrating with brisket and beans prepared by our own Eddie Goodnight.  A sign up sheet will go up in the lobby this week for those who would like to sign up to bring a side dish. 

The tentative promotions list will also go up later this week, so please check to make sure I have your rank listed properly. 

Even if you are not being promoted, make plans to attend and support your fellow students.  We will go over graduation etiquette over the next several weeks.

SNAP Graduation is 3/30 at 5pm.  This is a small but dedicated group and they work so hard at learning their skills.  If you would like to see something that will make you feel great inside....come watch this class!

We need a Demo team for the Japanese Festival at the Ft. Worth Japanese Gardens.  We'll putting together a specific program and will need to practice with the group as a whole prior to April 16th.  If you are interested in being part of this event please let me know.  We will need at least 4 kids and 4 adults.  But the bigger the team, the more we can show the crowd about our school. More to come.

1st Annual RKMSF School Picnic - April 30th!
Save the date!  The weather should be perfect!  We will be reserving a pavilion at Chisholm Park in Hurst.  This is a beautiful park with lots of amenities so everyone should have a great time!  So make plans now!  More details soon!

See everyone in class!

Ms. Kris

Monday, February 14, 2011

Updates Week Ending 2/19/11

Finally!  The weather feels like Texas...ok it's a LITTLE warmer than normal, but hey....after 4 days of subfreezing temps...I'm not gonna complain!

Here's what's coming up:

Advanced Forms:  2/25 7-8p.  This will be a practice session as Jason is unavailable.  The next Advanced Forms Class will be March 12th during the 10am class.  More to come.

KFSS Graduation Saturday March 26th at 9:30am.  This will be a Master's Graduation so plan to be there!
Promotions list will be posted on the attendance check sheet later this week.

SNAP Graduation will be Wednesday March 30th at 5pm.

Spring Quarter for KFSS begins March 28th, and for SNAP on April 6th.

We would like to have a spring picnic sometime in April and are looking at either April 9th or April 30th.  More to come on this as we start to finalize details.

Have a great week and enjoy this beautiful weather!

Ms. Kris

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thursday 2/10 Classes are ON!

Looks like this turned out to be a lesser event than orginally thought so we WILL have classes on Thursday!

See you there!

Ms. Kris

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winter Weather....Round 3!

Can you believe this?  Another Winter Storm headed our way tonight.  Weather folks are saying there is a 70% chance of more rain, freezing rain, sleet and snow due in North Texas beginning sometime after 10p tonight and ending around midday tomorrow and temperature is supposed to stay in the 20's on Wednesday and not get over freezing on Thursday.

As always the safety of our students and instructor's is our primary concern.  We will most likely have to cancel the SNAP class on Wednesday and there is a possibility we will have to cancel classes on Thursday.  The weather folks say the temps on Friday should be in the 40's so we should be good for Saturday classes.

The next ADVANCED FORMS class will be Friday February 25th due to Jason's travel schedule.  Please mark your calendar's.  As we go into March we may see the schedule change somewhat.  More to come on that.

Please stay tuned to the website or the RK Martial Sciences Facebook Fan Page for updates.

Ms. Kris

Friday, February 4, 2011

Saturday (2/5) Classes Cancelled

As much as we REALLY don't want to, Master Robert and I both agree conditions will not have improved enough in the morning to hold classes.

We hope by Monday the roads will have cleared and we should be able to hold class.  Stayed tuned!

Again, our apologies.  The safety of our instructors and students is always our priority.

Ms. Kris

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday 2/3 Updated 8:34A - CLASSES CANCELLED

I just received a report from our roving reporter Jacob, who braved the ice to bring us the conditions at the school.

The good news?  The school is still standing and no pipes have frozen and there's power.
The bad news?  Brown Trail is a solid sheet of ice between Hwy 183 and Bedford Rd as is the school parking lot.

So it looks like we will stay closed today.  No Thursday classes

We'll keep everyone posted on Saturday. 

I don't know about you guys but I'm starting to go a little stir crazy.  But I have been using this time to practice forms and other exercises. 

Stay warm everyone!
Ms. Kris

Thursday 2/3 and still 15 Degrees!

OK...I'm trying to see the upside of 3 days of subfreezing temperatures....hmmmmm....oh I know!  Less summer bugs?  I's a stretch. =)

As most everyone knows, temperatures today aren't expected to get out of the low 20's.  We can still expect rolling black outs today and while the more heavily traveled roads will most likely clear up, side streets, over passes and under passes will still be treacherous.

At this point its hard to tell if we will be able to open the school this evening.  I still can't get out of my driveway (OK...I can slide down it but can't get back up!).  As I am supposed to teach the 4:30/5:30 classes today...that could be a problem. So......

Master Robert and I are monitoring conditions.  Our two biggest concerns are the rolling blackouts and the re-freezing of any moisture that melts during the day as temperatures will go back down to the teens after dark.  Please monitor the website for additional info as we go thru the day.  I know all the major school districts including Keller and HEB are closed today.

To top it all off...additional snow is expected this evening late.  Not like what we had but it will make for an interesting Friday. 

Temperatures are supposed to be in the high 30's and 40's on Saturday, so we should be able to hold our Saturday classes with no problems.

Stay tuned for more info.

If you live in the HEB area and have street information, please email me at

Be safe out there!
Ms. Kris

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Closing Update 2/2/11

Ok gang....looks like we're in for the coldest night we've seen in 15 years!  Temperatures around 10 degrees with windchills about -10!  ANY precipitation on the ground will freeze solid tonight (not like it thawed a whole lot today anyway).  It is not expected to climb out of the teens tomorrow either, so.....

We will NOT have the Wednesday night SNAP class. 

We'll make a determination tomorrow night once we can determine what road conditions will be like on Thursday about Thursday classes.  Stay tuned to the website for additional updates.

Remember to bring your pets in tonite.  Are furry friends are equipped for cold....but not this cold!

Be safe out there folks! 


Well...the weather folks got it right!  The sleet started at my home in Roanoke at 5am all roads and even yards were covered in sleet (about an inch).  The transition to snow with start shortly and they anticipate about 4-6" here. 

RKMSF will be closed today.  NO CLASSES.  If you HAVE to travel VERY careful! Otherwise stay home, stay warm and enjoy the snow day!

The temperature is not expected to get out of the 20's tomorrow and we'll make the determination to cancel the SNAP class tomorrow morning.

Be safe folks!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Updates Week Ending 2/5/11

Ya' know.....the weather this week is going to give new meaning to the phrase "If you don't like the weather in Texas...stick will change!" 

As the Arctic Front pushes into North Texas we will see thunderstorms (some severe...even the possibility of a tornado!) before the cold air arrives and the precipitation then turns to freezing rain, sleet and eventually snow during the day tomorrow (Tuesday).  PLEASE check the website as I will post whether we will close tomorrow night.  The email may not reach you until Wednesday.  If the temperature stays below freezing on Wednesday, then any moisture on the roads and bridges will continue to make driving hazardous...again...check the website for school closing.

Tomorrow is also the 1st of February and tuition is due.  CC payments will be run tomorrow evening.

Updated attendance counts will be available this afternoon.

The next Advanced Forms class is this Saturday 2/5 during the 10AM class. 

KFSS Winter Graduation is March 26th at 9:30AM and SNAP Graduation is March 30th at 5PM.

We have welcomed a lot of new students to RK Martial Sciences since the beginning of January.  If you see a face you don't recognize, introduce yourself and get to know these students.  We have the absolute best students and Master Robert and I could not keep the school going without each and everyone of you! 

Be safe out there this week.  Between the weather and the Super Bowl things will be very interesting. 

Ms. Kris

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Calling all ID's!

In Kung Fu San Soo language...that's Instructors in Development.  Our kids classes are growing by leaps and bounds, specifically the 6:30 classes on Tuesday and Thursday.  We need at least 1 additional set of eyes in these classes besides the instructor's.  We have alot of white belts and with the classes as large as they have is difficult to keep your eye on everything and kids being kids, they like to experiment with things they see on TV or have seen in the adult classes which can be extremely dangerous. 

Please let me know if you have the availability to help out with these classes thru the end of the school year.  During the summer months, we need the help in the 4:30 classes. 

Ms. Kris

Monday, January 24, 2011

January is almost over!

January has just flown by!  We're officially into the last week of January and while the computer program is still on the fritz, I am getting all the attendance data organized and should have totals to date at the school this evening.

BTW....Did anyone happen to pick up a set of keys off of the window sill on Saturday.  One of our students is missing her car keys.  If you did end up with an extra set of keys, please contact me at the school phone number 817-590-8585 so we can make arrangements to get them back to her.

Remember KFSS Graduation is March 26th at 9:30 and SNAP graduation is March 30th at 5pm. 

I hope everyone has a great week!

See you in class!
Ms. Kris

Monday, January 17, 2011

January Flying By.....

Can you believe January is 1/2 over?  There are only two weeks left!

Here's what's coming up:

Next Advanced Forms class is January 28th at 7pm.  For those who participate in the Advanced Forms class I have a youtube link for the Black Belt Form.  If I missed sending it to you, please let me know.

I also have a link for the complete Class Form (steps 1-26).  For all students who want to be able to work on their form at home.

Winter KFSS Graduation is March 26th at 9:30am.  This will mark the first Master promotion for RK Martial Sciences!  It's going to be exciting!  Please make plans to attend.  We are planning a brunch following...details to follow.

Winter SNAP Graduation will be Wednesday March 30th at 5pm. 

The weather has been really dreary for the last week or avoid the winter blues....COME TO CLASS!

See you there!
Ms. Kris

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Forms Friday!

I hope everyone is staying warm! 

Just wanted to take a minute and remind everyone about the Advanced Forms class this Friday (1/14) at 7pm.  Jason says "We will be working on our own center of balance." your forms, do your forms, do your forms!

See you there!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ready! Set! Go!

On your mark!  Get set!  Go!

It's January and the holidays are over.  We've missed our Kung Fu students and instructors and hope everyone is ready to get back into training.  I know I am. 

KFSS classes resume their normal schedules on Monday the 3rd.  SNAP resumes on the 5th.  The next Advanced Forms class will be on Saturday the 8th during the 10am class.  If one of your New Years resolutions is to get in an hour's worth of forms!

If another resolution is to take your Kung Fu to the next level...consider private instruction.  Any of our instructors are able to provide instruction in groups of 2-3 that will focus on areas YOU wish to improve.  Prices are arranged with the instructors and range from $50-$125 per hour.

Everyone have a great week and we'll see you in class!

Ms. Kris