Monday, August 8, 2011

Updates Week Ending 8/13/11

If you're in Texas you already know how HOT it is.  Enough said.  =)

If you haven't already paid your tuition, please make arrangements to do so as soon as possible. 

Looking ahead:

Advanced Forms Aug 12 7pm

Labor Day Weekend Sept 3-5.  RKMSF will be CLOSED!  No classes, so everyone have a great holiday!

KFSS Graduation Sept 24 9:30am

Master Ted visits October 14-16.  We've been able to nail these dates down, so mark your calendars!  More to come on the schedule of events as those details become available.

If you have emailed me in the last 10 days or so to and I haven't answered, it's not because I'm ignoring you!  I've had an issue with that account and cannot retrieve my email.  If you need to reach me, please use or

Everyone stay cool!

Ms. Kris