Master Robert and I would like to thank everyone who came out to the picnic on Saturday. It was a really good time! I think we should do that again next year! =)
On to what's coming up in May:
May 13th and 20th at 7pm will be the next Advanced Forms classes. Mark your calendars!
May 28th-30th - Memorial Day Weekend - RKMSF will be closed (no classes). Everyone have a great holiday!
Looking ahead:
June 25th 9:30am - KFSS Graduation (tentative promotions list will go up around the end of May)
June 29th 5pm - SNAP Graduation
4th of July weekend - Saturday (7/2) there will be 1 adult class at 9:30a and the kids class at 11:30a. We will be closed Monday July 4th.
Everyone have a great week and we'll see you in class!
Ms. Kris