Monday, February 28, 2011

Updates for Week Ending 3/5/11

Did someone say Spring?  I hope everyone got out and enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend.  It was great to see so many kids on Saturday! 

KFSS tuition is due 3/1 (tomorrow). 

KFSS Graduation is just 4 weeks away and it's going to be a very special one at that!  Mr. Harry is receiving his Master's Certificate!  We'll be celebrating with brisket and beans prepared by our own Eddie Goodnight.  A sign up sheet will go up in the lobby this week for those who would like to sign up to bring a side dish. 

The tentative promotions list will also go up later this week, so please check to make sure I have your rank listed properly. 

Even if you are not being promoted, make plans to attend and support your fellow students.  We will go over graduation etiquette over the next several weeks.

SNAP Graduation is 3/30 at 5pm.  This is a small but dedicated group and they work so hard at learning their skills.  If you would like to see something that will make you feel great inside....come watch this class!

We need a Demo team for the Japanese Festival at the Ft. Worth Japanese Gardens.  We'll putting together a specific program and will need to practice with the group as a whole prior to April 16th.  If you are interested in being part of this event please let me know.  We will need at least 4 kids and 4 adults.  But the bigger the team, the more we can show the crowd about our school. More to come.

1st Annual RKMSF School Picnic - April 30th!
Save the date!  The weather should be perfect!  We will be reserving a pavilion at Chisholm Park in Hurst.  This is a beautiful park with lots of amenities so everyone should have a great time!  So make plans now!  More details soon!

See everyone in class!

Ms. Kris