Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend! We're getting very close to graduation now, so its time to get your classes in!
BREAKING NEWS! RKMSF is pleased to announce babysitting services will be offered during the 5:30 and 7:30 classes on M, T and Th, AND during the 6 and 7pm classes on Wednesday! So for all you folks who have little ones and have been unable to train due to a lack of a sitter....here's your chance! Our sitter is a former student, Miss Hillary Williams. If there are no kids for Hillary to watch, she will participate in the adult classes and continue her training.
Babysitting services will be offered beginning Monday Sept. 14th!
Belt fees are due Sept 15th! Please see Ms. Kris to make payment arrangements.
KFSS Graduation is Sept 26th at 9:30 am. Doors will open at 8:30. There will be no formal warm up so you will need to come early to get stretched out. Even if you are not being promoted, come and support your fellow students and be a part of the picture.
SNAP Graduation will be Sept 30th at 5pm.
Don't forget the Japanese Festival at the Japanese Gardens in Ft. Worth October 24th and 25th.
I hope everyone has a great week!
Ms. Kris