Summer is over (ok...well...maybe not heat wise) and school is back in session. Don't forget to build in training time to your schedules!
Here are a few updates everyone needs to be aware of:
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! Friday night classes have been suspended until further notice. Mr. Jamie's hours have changed at work (and as we all know...keeping a roof over our heads is very important). We will let you know if there are any changes that will allow these classes to continue.
KFSS TUITION DUE September 1st.
LABOR DAY WEEKEND - (Sept. 5-7th) RKMSF will be closed. Everyone enjoy the weekend!
BELT FEES DUE - Belt fees for those moving from white to yellow and brown to black are due by September 15th.
SNAP Graduation - September 30th (PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THIS CHANGE) as we started so late in the quarter, this gives our attendees another week of practice. The new quarter will start on October 7th.
KFSS Graduation - September 26th (9:30am) We have lots of folks moving in belt rank this quarter so make plans to be at the school early! (Doors open at 8:30am)
That's all for now!
See you in class!
Ms. Kris