I don't know about you guys....but I've seen enough rain to last a month or so! The weather definitely kept folks at home on Saturday, but for those who braved the rain...we're glad you came!
Master Robert is out of the country this week working on a mission project in El Salvador. Needless to say, he's out of cell range! =) Please call the school number if you need anything. I will take Master Robert's class on Wednesday and Jason will be teaching this Saturday.
We're getting closer to graduation! We have lots of folks moving from white to yellow belt and as this will be the first graduation for some folks, the instructors will be going over graduation protocols over the next two weeks.
Our Friday 5:30 class is back! Dr. Peter is teaching this class. This is a combined kids and adult class and is a great way to get some additional workout time in.
Belt fees are due tomorrow!
Kung Fu San Soo Summer Graduation is 9/26 at 9:30...doors open at 8:30am.
SNAP Summer Graduation is 9/30 at 5pm.
Mr. Jamie will be back for the Saturday kids class this week!
It looks like it will be soggy for the next several days, so everyone stay dry!
Have a great week!
Ms. Kris