"The art of Kung Fu lies not in victory or defeat, but in the building of human character." - Jimmy H. Woo (Lo Sifu Chin Su Dek)
Monday, April 23, 2012
RKMSF Move to New Location
Our final week at 1325 Brown Trail.....
As some of you may already know...we've hit a snag in our move...during the asbestos inspection (done on the 17th) asbestos was found on the back of the floor tiles that were to be removed for the new flooring. Because paperwork has to be filed and an abatement issued before the floor work can begin, our opening date will be delayed.
We will still be closing after our forms class on Wednesday 4/25 and be packing and moving 4/27-4/29, however we will not be able to open when we anticipated. At this time I don't have a good date. We will be storing out stuff in an adjacent unit at the new location until the work is complete. Our contractor IS able to continue to do the other work so all that will need to be done once the abatement is received is the floor work, which won't take long.
It is my HOPE we can move into the new location by the 1st weekend in May, however it is more likely it will be the 2nd.
The landlords and I will be working out financial compensation for the delay in our business and I will be discounting May tuition 10%.
This was an unanticipated delay. If we can figure out a way to hold a few classes while we are closed, I will let everyone know.
RKMSF has always had the very BEST students and we hope you will hang in there with us as we go through this move.
If you have any questions please contact me at 817-590-8585 or at kris@rkmartialsciences.com.
Ms. Kris