Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Officially Summer in Texas!

OK...well not "officially" (not til June 21), but the temperature outside is what is expected during a Texas summer.  I don't know about you but I got lulled into a false sense of "cool" with all the lovely spring temperatures (not to mention the spring storms, but that's another topic).  Time to break out the summer uniforms.  For those who are new...summer uniforms are a T-shirt, gi pants and your belt.  Please make sure your T-shirt has sleeves (NO TANK TOPS!).  The board at the school says summer uniforms start June 1, but I think we can start today.

Advanced forms this month will be Friday June 3rd at 7pm and Friday June 17th at 7pm.

Spring KFSS Graduation is June 25 at 9:30a.  I will post a tentative promotions list by Saturday.  PLEASE check it for promotions. 

Spring SNAP Graduation is June 29th at 5pm.  Promotions list will also be posted in the lobby.  ALSO, PLEASE check it for correct rankings.

With the weather (and humidity) heating up, it will be more important than ever to stay hydrated.  Let's review...Drink plenty of water, take frequent breaks and limit exposure during the heat of the day. 

Everyone have a great week and we'll see you in class!!
Ms. Kris

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


We've had a schedule conflict come up for the Advanced Forms class on Friday 5/20.  As I have spoken to most of the members of the class, we are going to move the class to Wednesday 5/18 at 7pm. 

If you are an advanced student and know the current class form, please join us for a deeper look into forms and how they add a new dimension to your fighting skills!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Updates

Master Robert and I would like to thank everyone who came out to the picnic on Saturday.  It was a really good time!  I think we should do that again next year! =)

On to what's coming up in May:

May 13th and 20th at 7pm will be the next Advanced Forms classes.  Mark your calendars!

May 28th-30th - Memorial Day Weekend - RKMSF will be closed (no classes).  Everyone have a great holiday!

Looking ahead:

June 25th 9:30am - KFSS Graduation (tentative promotions list will go up around the end of May)

June 29th 5pm - SNAP Graduation

4th of July weekend - Saturday (7/2) there will be 1 adult class at 9:30a and the kids class at 11:30a.  We will be closed Monday July 4th.

Everyone have a great week and we'll see you in class!
Ms. Kris