Special thanks to our students who came to demonstrate skills:
- Jason Schaafsma
- Bret Campbell
- Jacob Favors
- Clay Perrine
- Eddie Goodnight
- Janelle Carrion
- Justin Yu
- Mattie and Tai Nguyen
- Maddie Morrison
Special thanks to:
- Jason's wife Margo for taking still photos
- Clay's wife Betty for being our videographer
- Lyndell Carrion and Tim Spelts for manning the tent on Saturday and to Bobbie Logan and Thien Nguyen for manning the tent on Sunday.
- Eddie, Clay and Betty for help with set up.
- To all of the families of our students who came and brought friends!
Master Robert and I deeply appreciate all you for your time and dedication. We will have photos and video of the demonstrations available soon.
Looking ahead:
November tuition is due Tuesday November 2nd for cash and checks. CC payments will be done on the 1st.
November 13th and 14th - Master Ted Sias - Sign up sheet is in the lobby. Class sizes will be limited so be sure to sign up soon. Registration needed by Nov 11th.
November 26th and 27th Closed for the Thanksgiving holiday. 1 Adult class on the 28th at 10:00am with kids class to follow at its normal time.
KFSS Graduation - December 12th 9:30am
SNAP Graduation - December 16th 5pm
We will run a modified schedule Dec 19-22nd and close the 23rd-27th and open again for a modified schedule the 28th-30th.
Everyone have a great week!
Ms. Kris and Master Robert