Hi All,
I hope this finds you well.
Again this semester, we’re going to focus on basics. I’m still seeing the basics (foot work, breathing/relaxation, smoothness, targeting, transitions, excessive speed, timing, etc) missing after the first step or two. This isn’t just with the beginners; it’s across all the ranks. Without the basics, none of the techniques will work very well if at all. Without the basics, you rob yourself of balance, control, and therefore power. I’m challenging you to focus on these things when you come to class. Think about what you’re are doing, check your foot work and make adjustments if necessary. Focus on breathing…in through the nose and out through the mouth. Inhale on the transition and exhale on the strike. If you find yourself stopping in the middle of a technique, then cut your speed in half. Think about the basics while working the lesson, working out, practicing forms, practicing the blocking/punching drills and while stepping through the eight count stance and the five wheel horse. The basics are the foundation on which the rest of the art is built. Without the basics in place, the rest will fall short and eventually fail.
I’ve also been missing some of you in class! I’ve been able to attend occasionally during the week and on Saturdays and you’ve missed some pretty cool lessons and techniques. I know that Halloween is right around the corner followed quickly by Thanksgiving and then Christmas…and things are starting to get busy. But don’t let your training lapse. If you don’t use it, you’ll get rusty. Its also good exercise and with the holidays rapidly approaching, that’s a good thing! Make a commitment to come to class at least twice a week, you’ll be glad you did and so will we.
Remember too that when you come to class to ask questions. If you see something in a lesson or just in working out that you don’t understand or wasn’t explained adequately then ask. You should never leave class with an unasked and/or an unanswered question. Because we have an answer and if we don’t, we’ll research it and get an answer. This is an incredible art and the better you understand it, the better practitioner you will be.
Thank you all for being a part of our Kung Fu San Soo family. I look forward to seeing all of you over the next few weeks. Don’t forget to pay attention to what’s going on around you when you’re out and about. Be safe!
Master Robert.
Friday October 16th, Instructor's Meeting at 7pm - PLEASE make arrangements to be there!
Saturday and Sunday October 24/25th - Japanese Festival at the Japanese Gardens in Fort Worth. I will have parking passes and maps by this weekend.
Friday/Saturday November 13/14 - Master Ted Sias. Friday evening 6:30-7:30 (reception to follow) and Saturday 8:30-11:00am. Regular kids class to follow at 11:30am.
Thursday/Friday November 26/27 - CLOSED for Thanksgiving Holiday.
Saturday November 28th - 1 Adult class - 10-11:15 with regular Kids class at 11:30.