WOW! Where has February gone? We're right at mid way through the quarter and graduation is the last weekend in March! Preliminary promotions list will be posted by 2/22. Now is the time to get your classes in!
Here are a few things going on this week:
Tonight - Master Robert is in town and will leading the Advanced Adult classes at 6 and 7pm. PLEASE let us know if you wish to attend the 7pm classes but cannot attend the 6pm class...this way we'll know you are coming!
Saturday 2/21 - the second in Master Darian's weapon series, Short Sticks, will be from 8:30-10:30a. There will be an adult class immediately following from 10:30 to 11:30a and the kids class will be at its normal time. There are still openings for this class however the orders are closed for sticks. The class price is $25.
See you in class!
Ms. Kris