Hi all,
I trust you are well.
Some thoughts on ground techniques...think about the hierarchy of the six steps on the dry erase board in the training room. The steps are: relaxation, smoothness, power, control, polish/style and intent. We’ve recently discussed intent via visualization. We’ve recently talked about polish/style, control, power and smoothness. But we always talk about relaxation and breathing. Why...because, it’s the foundation of what we do. If you don’t breath, you can’t relax…besides, it isn’t healthy. If you don’t relax, you won’t perform at your full potential and in some cases, you’ll even fail at KFSS or any other combat art. When you are relaxed, you are less likely to be distracted which means you can PAY ATTENTION to what’s going on around you. Without breathing and relaxation, we’re mediocre at best.
Relax (verb):
1. to make less tense, rigid, or firm; make lax:
5. to release or bring relief from the effects of tension, anxiety, etc.:
(From http://dictionary.reference.com)
Relaxation is a key concept to what we do. As you are going through the drills, exercises, lessons and workouts associated with ground techniques (or any other technique in KFSS for that matter) be conscious of relaxation. If you feel tension setting in, pause and relax. If you tense up, it makes it much easier for the grappler to hang on; if you relax, it makes it much easier to defeat the restraint/hold. Our default posture is tension and rigidity, especially when we feel disadvantaged or threatened. We need to change that default posture to relaxed and compliant (no tension). That means we have to practice relaxation. By the way, being able to relax is as much mental conditioning (visualization helps here) as it is physical conditioning. We have to breathe deeply, stretch, think positive, avoid worry, etc. and we have to practice these things daily, not just during our weekly or bi-weekly visits to class. First, relaxation becomes a habit through practice. Then, it becomes our default posture. When relaxation becomes our default, just about everything will become easier and more efficient…think about it.
See you in class!
Master Robert