Have you ever noticed how much ‘brain’ training we do? We do a bunch of brain training. Think about how much brain training it took just to learn the blocking drills. Martial arts in general require more brain training than physical training. Kung Fu San Soo is no exception. It takes much more brain training than physical training to become proficient in KFSS. It involves attitude, awareness, focus, observation, conscious (then unconscious) execution of techniques and concepts and more if you think about it. Our brain is our most powerful weapon. The problem is we don’t always bring it to class…which leads to the following:
Visualize – to recall or form mental images or pictures, to make perceptible to the mind or imagination. (From http://dictionary.reference.com)
So…what’s my point, what does this have to do with brain training? Well, it’s this…see it as you do it. Visualizing what you are doing can help you be a more focused and less distracted survivor. Keep in mind some of the things we do inflict a great deal of damage. Visualize that damage as you execute the technique. Visualize the attacker’s reaction and response. Visualize your reaction and response to the damage inflicted. Visualizing puts you in that place; it makes it real in your mind. And if you’ve been there before (in your mind), then when it really happens, it won’t be a strange place that you’ve never visited and therefore it won’t be a distraction from the task at hand which is terminating the threat. As you work out, practice forms, do the Five Wheel Horse, shadow box, go through blocking drills or any other exercise visualize what you are doing. Once again as stated many times by myself, Master Dale and likely Master Larry and Grand Master Woo…That doesn’t mean go fast, hard and out of control; it means to think about it, to pay attention, to be in the moment. You can’t afford to be distracted by the fight itself, you MUST stay focused on surviving the attack so you can eliminate the threat and exit safely. Please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else KFSS.
Have a great Day and be safe!
Master Robert.
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