Hello Everyone,
Just some thoughts as we enter the Summer Semester, some things to think about as you go through the drills, workouts and lessons.
Martial Arts in general and especially Kung Fu San Soo offer many benefits: e.g. exercise, concentration/focus, relaxation, flexibility, stress relief, enjoyment, camaraderie and, of course, self defense/counter offense. When you work out, what do you intend to accomplish? You need to come to class with a specific goal…maybe work certain leverages or grabs, target more effectively, get your heart rate up or any number of other things. How about when you execute blocking drills, work out or do lessons: What’s your intent? Think about what you’re doing, how you’re doing it and why you’re doing it. Ask yourself, “Would what I did just now save me from an attack?” Your intent should be to devastate the attacker. This doesn’t mean go fast, hard and out of control…it means think about what you are doing. Work out with intent.
How about visiting a class you don’t normally visit? Doing this will give you a different perspective on the art…it’s still the same art, but from someone else’s perspective. None of us know it all. Master Lisa has been to different classes than I have. I’ve been to different classes than Jacob. Jacob has been to different classes than Harry. Harry has been to different classes than Tim. Tim has been to different classes than Kris. Kris has been to different classes than Mike. Mike has been to different classes than Jamie and Jamie has been to different classes than Master Lisa. We are all learning the same art, but we’ve all seen it a little differently. Visit another class, you might be surprised.
Take a few brochures and business cards. Lots of places have bulletin boards for stuff like that. If you see one, put a couple of brochures or cards on it. Let’s spread the word!
Thank you for being the best part of who we are…you’re awesome!
Be safe!
Master Robert.