Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Weekly Updates 6/17/08

OK...who turned up the thermostat! It's HOT!!!! Well...it is summer in Texas!

With the summer comes a change in schedules for many people as folks are vacationing. Parents...please do not DROP your kids for a class before determining if there will be enough students to make a class. Its hard to have a class with ONE student. This has not been an issue at the 6:30 kids class but has been at the 4:30 kids class. So please check before you leave.

The Friday 6:30-8pm KFSS Adult class has been temporarily suspended as attendance has dropped due to summer activities. This class will start up again in September.

Coming events:

6/20 - 2nd Session of Self Defense class begins. Class is $45 for non-KFSS students and is from 5:30-6:30 on Friday evenings. This session will meet on 6/20, 6/27, 7/11 and 7/18. This class is free for current adult KFSS students and will count as class credit.

6/25 - SNAP Graduation

6/28 - KFSS Graduation - I still need belt fees from a few folks who are moving from white to yellow belt. Graduation will begin at 9:30a, doors will open at 8:30 so get there early!

7/1 - July KFSS tuition is due. SNAP tuition is due on July 2nd for the Summer session.

7/4&5 - RKMSF will close for the 4th of July Holiday. If you are traveling...remember to be aware of your surroundings.

July 25th - Instructors Meeting. 8pm. At the end of our meeting...Master Darian will provide a special lesson for all instructor's in attendance. We're looking for a new place to eat too, so keep that in mind and bring suggestions!

August 9th - Instructors Class - Instructors and IDs are encouraged to attend. Class will be conducted by Master Robert and will run from 12:45-2pm.

Remember your summer safety tips! Drink plenty of fluids and take plenty of breaks...and make sure you're stretching!

Stay cool!