Monday, June 30, 2008

Updates for Week Ending 7/5/08

Thank you to everyone who attended graduation on Saturday! We had a really great turn out and I know those who received promotions appreciated the support. So THANK YOU!

Just some reminders:

7/1 - KFSS tuition is due. Thanks to those who have contacted me about changes in payments.

7/2 - SNAP tuition is due.

7/4 & 7/5 NO CLASSES! We will be closed for the 4th of July holiday. Everyone have a safe holiday!

As we begin a new semester, think about friends and family who can benefit from the training we provide. You'll be giving them a great gift!

Have a great week and we'll see you in class!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Update for Week Ending 6/28/08

KFSS Graduation is this Saturday!!!!! Doors open at 8:30, Pictures at 9:20 and Graduation will begin promptly at 9:30. Come and support those are moving up in rank!

Tuition is due on July 1st. Please let Kris know if you have changed credit cards or if there are arrangements that need to be made.

July 4th & 5th - RKMSF will be closed for the holiday. Everyone enjoy a safe and happy 4th of July.

The decline in economic conditions is being felt by all of us. High fuel and food costs are eating away at income normally reserved for things like Kung Fu. We've had several kids who have had to drop due to economics. Some of these kids really NEED to be in Kung Fu. If you are in a position to sponsor a child, please let me know.

Remember to stay alert! Pay attention to your surroundings! Don't make yourself a target!

See you in class!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Message from Master Dale

Some of you may not have gotten this message from Master Dale and I would like to pass it on! I have opened this for reader comments if you would like to send a PUBLIC message to Master Dale and his family.

Hi all,

It has been my pleasure to have served you here in Texas since 1995 with the most honest and effective personal protection and life skills training available. While leading Kung Fu San So of Texas, I was honored by the commitment of hundreds of people who established personal development goals, worked and toughed it out to make them happen, and irreversibly grew as a result of the experience.

Many black belts - all of whom climbed a personal mountain to attain their rank, and even Masters of the Art were a result of our combined efforts. I always learned something from each of you - just as Grandmaster Jimmy Woo swore would happen. One of the many truths of the art of San Soo. How many San Soo truths have you taken the time to discover in repayment for the thousands of generations who developed this art for you?

Many of you do not know the details of my family's relocation, so I will brief you on where we're going and what we're doing.

I'll be leaving in the morning for my new assignment in Lexington, Ky. and will be assuming the position of Area Vice President for an exciting, privately held billion dollar company with very aggressive growth objectives. You know how well that description aligns with my personality!

I will be leading a team of 70+ sales, management, operations and administrative personnel in several states. It is an enormous challenge and providing solid discipline and clear direction are my orders - there has been an absence of strong leadership with a clear view of the direction the organization expects. This characteristic will destabilize even the most committed team. Your school has strong and committed leadership...have you taken the temperature of your commitment to yourself and your growth in San Soo lately?

I'll share with you my plans to turn the operation into what is expected.

First, the 4 A's I rely upon to put positive action into motion: Assessment, Alignment, Accountability and Acceleration. It is imperative that we honestly and accurately Assess the place we are in, and each and every team member's strengths and growth opportunities.

Then we'll compare the current reality to the expectation of the company: the Alignment phase. After determining the 'critical goal categories' that will close the most significant gaps, assignment and Accountabilities will be established through those who hold leadership positions, and then evaluation of performance will be performed.

Finally, Acceleration. The faster we can close the large gaps, the faster we move toward satisfying the vision. Then we shift to 2nd tier goals and repeat the efforts. Then we be in control. Think any of this can be applied to you, your work, family, martial arts training or life? Only if you really want to accomplish something of value.

How will I as a literal stranger walk in and establish this momentum as soon as possible? First, as the leader I must. That's non-negotiable. Anyone who chooses to not participate, contribute or accept accountability, will be replaced. This isn't being unfriendly or heavy's business. Threat-based management however, is the worst form of leadership, so the entire buy-in will be based upon a simple quote that will become the mantra that will deliver the results and culture we want:

"None of us is as good as all of us!"

That quote made me think of your Kung Fu school. Our school, and how we grew in so many life changing ways. Together.

It has been my honor to be teacher, student, servant and trusted adviser to all of the wonderful people who are the school. I hope to always remain a valued friend to our San Soo family and remember, I'm only a phone call or mouse click away.

All my best - now, challenge yourself to FINISH SOMETHING! (Like a black belt...)

Master Dale

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

6/17 Weather Update

There is another storm taking aim at the DFW metroplex. Like earlier today...these storms are fast moving dumping large amounts of rain and packing heavy winds. As it is still difficult to tell exactly where they will land, please use your best judgement. I WILL be at the school for the 4:30/5:30 class as I would have to drive into the storms to get home, sooo if you are brave enough to brave the weather...I'll be there.

As always, keep an eye to the sky and use your best judgement.


Weekly Updates 6/17/08

OK...who turned up the thermostat! It's HOT!!!! is summer in Texas!

With the summer comes a change in schedules for many people as folks are vacationing. Parents...please do not DROP your kids for a class before determining if there will be enough students to make a class. Its hard to have a class with ONE student. This has not been an issue at the 6:30 kids class but has been at the 4:30 kids class. So please check before you leave.

The Friday 6:30-8pm KFSS Adult class has been temporarily suspended as attendance has dropped due to summer activities. This class will start up again in September.

Coming events:

6/20 - 2nd Session of Self Defense class begins. Class is $45 for non-KFSS students and is from 5:30-6:30 on Friday evenings. This session will meet on 6/20, 6/27, 7/11 and 7/18. This class is free for current adult KFSS students and will count as class credit.

6/25 - SNAP Graduation

6/28 - KFSS Graduation - I still need belt fees from a few folks who are moving from white to yellow belt. Graduation will begin at 9:30a, doors will open at 8:30 so get there early!

7/1 - July KFSS tuition is due. SNAP tuition is due on July 2nd for the Summer session.

7/4&5 - RKMSF will close for the 4th of July Holiday. If you are traveling...remember to be aware of your surroundings.

July 25th - Instructors Meeting. 8pm. At the end of our meeting...Master Darian will provide a special lesson for all instructor's in attendance. We're looking for a new place to eat too, so keep that in mind and bring suggestions!

August 9th - Instructors Class - Instructors and IDs are encouraged to attend. Class will be conducted by Master Robert and will run from 12:45-2pm.

Remember your summer safety tips! Drink plenty of fluids and take plenty of breaks...and make sure you're stretching!

Stay cool!

Message from Master Robert

As Kris posted on the web site, there is a strong possibility that my company – Lee Technologies – will have a big project in McKinney starting up in the next 6 weeks or so. It should last about 12-15 months. We start on the design portion this week and they want the first phase done by the end of March, which means they need to get moving…a lot faster than their current speed. This may not have me in DFW all the time but it certainly will allow me to be here about half the time so I’ll be able to visit everyone’s classes periodically…not to mention seeing my wife! I’ll keep you posted as things develop.

Also, on the 2nd Saturday of the month (beginning August 9th), we are going to have an instructors’ class and a black belt only class. These two classes will alternate months. The first (Aug 9) will be an instructors (and IDs) class. Everyone should be back from vacation by then. It will be after the Kids’ class from 12:45 to 2:00ish. The structure for the instructors’ class will be a little different than the regular classes. Stretching will be up to you but sometimes we will do the Five Wheel Horse or some of the other Qi Gong exercises. The black belt class will follow the standard format a little more closely giving the upper belts an opportunity to work out with their peers. Both classes will center on the theme for the semester.

Please mark these dates on your calendars and make plans to attend these special classes.

Master Robert

Thursday, June 12, 2008

MTV Highlights Martial Arts

MTV's hit TV show MADE will be highlighting the Martial Arts this weekend. One of the most important things to remember is the emphasis on character development. Here is the press release with all the information:

MILWAUKEE, WI June 9, 2008 -- MADE, the extremely popular MTV show, has selected an episode filmed in Wisconsin for its 100th episode.

In this show, Master Chan Lee coaches a small-town Wisconsin teenager who is on mission to be "MADE" into a martial artist.

The premier airing of this episode is scheduled for June 14th at 1:00PM Central Time on MTV. A brief trailer for this show can be seen at this web page:

Lee, a martial arts trainer for college athletes and martial arts champions, said "After more than 30 years of martial arts training and coaching, working with this Wisconsin teenager (whose identity is secret until after the initial showing) has been one of my most rewarding experiences. I'm excited to see how the episode turns out after more than 100 hours of filming."

During past seasons, each episode of MADE followed one willing candidate as they embarked on a mission to transform their life. Whether it was becoming a varsity football player, the homecoming queen or a cheerleader, each teenager dreamed of breaking out of their shell and finding out what they were really made of and what they could achieve when given the tools and training. This is the first episode of MADE where the candidate wanted to be transformed into a hardcore martial arts fighter.

Master Lee was selected as the celebrity coach of this episode following a selective interview process by MTV and was required to be away for most of the six weeks of filming from JK Lee Black Belt Academy, Lee's five martial arts schools in the metro Milwaukee area. Lee said "At our schools, martial arts is primarily about personal character development instead of just kicking and punching. That is what I emphasized during the training. I think parents as well as teens will gain some real value by watching this episode."

For more information on the MTV show MADE, visit

Make plans to watch (or TIVO)!

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9th Updates

Wow! We had a great seminar with Master Dale on Saturday! New techniques and ways of addressing situations that will boggle the mind! ;-) DVD's will be on sale later this week. If you are interested in one, please let me know. Please make all payments to Dale Lockwood.

June 25th - SNAP Graduation

June 28th KFSS Graduation - All those moving from white to yellow belt please make sure your belt fees are paid by 6-14. Everyone who is moving in belt rank needs to make sure I have your belt sizes (00-8) by the 14th as well.

July 4th - RKMSF will be closed July 4th and 5th and re-open on July 7th. I hope everyone has a great and safe holiday weekend.

Those of us who were at the seminar on Saturday heard this announcement from Master Dale, but I wanted to pass this on so those who couldn't be there will know...

Master Dale has accepted a position with a company and will be moving to Lexington, KY with Kathy and Raven. This position is a huge opportunity for him and while his presence will be sorely missed, we wish him all success! Master Dale will be reporting to work on June 23rd and Kathy and Raven will join him once arrangements have been made for their move. Please take a moment and wish them well on their new adventure!

Master Darian will be returning to RKMSF with his girlfriend and will be training on Tues and Thursday evenings. He will be available to help with lessons and we may even be able to persuade him to teach a class or two! Be sure to welcome him back and let him know how much he's been missed.

Master Robert's company has signed the paperwork on a job in McKinney and this will enable him to be back in the DFW area and at the school more often. I'll let everyone know exact dates as they become available, but July is the target so keep your fingers crossed!

Whew! It was a very busy weekend! As we get into the summer season, kids are out of school and families are vacationing, take a moment to look at your schedules. Did you schedule time to train? Training keeps us vigilant and keeps our minds and bodies engaged in being aware of our surroundings. So make your Kung Fu training a priority!

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Message from Master Robert


What was the reason you joined Kung Fu? For most it was probably self defense, exercise or both. For some, it was to help build confidence and other reasons. Whatever your reason, did you set goals or benchmarks? How are you doing with it and has it changed?

Even if you are doing very well towards your goal or goals, this may help and it’s something you’ve heard before. When you come to class, come with a purpose, something specific. It may be something that you can accomplish in one or two classes. Or, it could be something that you may work on for several weeks or more. The point is to have a goal, an attainable target. Doing this gives you a progression of events as you move toward your final goal so you can see how you’re doing toward your goal(s), the reason you’re here in the first place. An example might be ‘glaring at the knot’, the center of gravity, so you can see what’s coming next. We all want to look into the eyes because the eyes are the windows to the soul and it shows confidence especially in social situations; but when it become a little more (or a lot more) aggressive you need to glare at the knot to see what coming at you. As you go through your blocking drills, your work outs, etc, pay attention to your glare. I catch myself looking the next weapon especially in blocking drills which then carries over to workouts and lessons. Another example might sweeps. How many different can you think of and how many ways to set them up. Grabs, leverages, spinning strikes specific targets, blend, flow and yield…there’s lots of concepts and techniques for a concentrated focus. When you’re working on something specific, tell your partner so they can help…they will learn something too! Think about it…

There are three weeks left in the semester, there’s still time to get your classes in. Graduation is June 28.

This Saturday, June 7 is Master Dale’s 2nd installment of Escapes, Evasions and Counters. We start at 8:30 and there are still a few spots available as this will preempt the regular adult 8:30 class. There will be an adult class at 10:30, with kids at 11:30.

Thanks everyone…keep up the good work!
Master Robert.

Attendance Updates

Attendance has been updated for the period of 3/31 thru 6/3. Please review the list either online or you can view it at the school later today.

Anyone being promoted in belt rank needs to get belt sizes to me NO LATER than 6/14. All those promoting to Yellow belt need to pay their belt fees by 6/14 as well. Belt fees are $45 and cover Yellow-Brown Belts. Please call me if you have any questions.

Also...Please thank Mr. Eddie Goodnight for procuring a new water cooler that provides COLD water for us.

Remember Master Dale's Seminar is this Saturday!


3/31 - 6/3 Attendance List

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 2nd Updates

Here we are...the first week of June. Graduation is June 28th so make sure you get your classes in. A new list will be posted at the school and on this website by the end of this week.

June 7th - the 3rd installment of Master Dale's seminar series from 8:30-10:30a. Don't forget to sign up on the list in the lobby. Price is $25.

I'd like to take this opportunity to make an observation:

I've been contacted by an increasing number of people telling me they are taking the summer off or taking a couple of months off. I'd like you to consider that while everyone needs a vacation, its important to make time to train. Your personal safety is even more important during the summer months. Its important to keep your children active and their brains engaged in their own safety during the summer months. It's easy to get caught up in all the fun, but please be aware of your surroundings.

I'd also like to remind everyone that we ask you give us a 30 days notice before leaving the school. While we understand that life doesn't always work in a way that allows this but please make every effort to contact us in advance of needing to leave the school.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the school telephone number.

Have a great week and we'll see you in class!