Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Schedule

Ok folks!  Just want to remind everyone of our holiday schedule:

This week (M,T,Th) reg schedule.
Closed 12/20-12/27
Saturday 12/28 9-10:30 open workout
Closed 12/30-1/1
Thursday 1/2, back to reg schedule.

Graduation will be held on 1/11 during the 10am class.  Because we have so much down time in Dec, I want to make sure everyone has a chance at classes in Jan.

Everyone have a great holiday season!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday Schedule

I am planning to open the school tonight for 5:30 and 6:30 class.  If you want to come and can get there safely by 6:30, we'll combine kids and adults and work with whoever shows up.
If no one shows up by 6:50, I'll close up and head home.

Since we are moving graduation to the 11th of January, we will have a normal Saturday class schedule this Saturday.  We had planned a street clothes Saturday for the 7th, so we will do that this Saturday.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Weather Closure

Well, this front got here a little earlier than anticipated.  We are are currently getting sleet and freezing rain in the DFW area and road conditions will only get worse as the temp goes down.  We will close tonight (Thurs).  Please check back for Saturday status.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

8/9 Friday night open work out

We will have a rare Friday night class this Friday at 7pm. This will be an open work out format.  So please join us if you can to get in some extra training.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Change to Saturday Kids Class Schedule

We're going to make a small schedule adjustment on Saturdays.  We will eliminate the 4-6 yr old class from 11:30-noon and back the kids class up to 11:30 - 12:30.  We'll revisit a separate little kids class at such a time we have more little kids!

All kids 4-11 will be in the regular kids class on Monday and Satuday.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Hey everyone, wanted to let you know that Master Robert's surgery for knee #1 went well and knee#2 will be done today...I'll try to pass on an update tomorrow.

Mom is at my place recovering nicely, but going stir crazy...go figure!

Don't forget, Graduation is THIS Saturday at 9:30a. While we don't have a lot of folks moving in rank, please come out and demonstrate what you have learned and support those are being promoted. Doors will open at 8:30, pictures start at 9:20, come early to warm up.

Mr. Eddie will be covering Tuesday and Thursday this week...THANK YOU sooo much for taking on the extra classes!

I'll see everyone at graduation!

Ms. Kris

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

This week's updates...

Good morning all!  I hope everyone had a safe and fun filled weekend!  There will be NO forms class this week.  Next forms class will be 6/5 at 7:30p.

Graduation is June 29th so be sure to get your classes in.  Promotions list will go up soon.

Have a great week and we'll see you in class!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Party at the Park

Just wanted to post the map to for the park for Saturday's Festivities.  Hope to see everyone there!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Lots going on!

Ok...lots going on this week. Wednesday 4/3 7:30p Forms Class. Friday 4/5 7p Instructor Meeting. Saturday 4/6 is Graduation (no regular classes.).

Remember that tuition and belt fees (for those moving from white to yellow belt) are due this week.

Have a great week everyone!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Change in Forms Schedule

Jason is traveling this week, so we're going to move the class to 3/27. Hope to see you then!

Ms. Kris

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Graduation Date Change

Unbeknownst to me, I scheduled graduation for Easter weekend, SO...we're going to push graduation out 1 week to Saturday 4/6 at 9:30a.  The promotions list has been posted in the workout area, so please check it for any mistakes.  I also need belt sizes for anyone moving in belt rank.

We will also close Saturday 3/30 so everyone can enjoy the weekend.

This is spring break for many people but we will remain open.  I know many of our folks will be traveling so please be safe.

Everyone have a great week!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Use alternate route tonite 1/22.

Ok everyone...Central Drive in Bedford is currently closed in both directions due to an explosion at the KWIK KAR lube place on the east side of Central across from the school. Please enter the plaza on the North side from Harwood.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


The beginning of a new year. The time when people make resolutions like losing weight and getting organized or something else to improve their lives.
How about resolving to train in KFSS? Resolve to train to protect the life you wish to improve.

Classes resume Wednesday 1/2 with Adult forms at 7:30 and regular classes resume on Thursday.

We hope everyone had a great holiday season and look forward to seeing you in class.